Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Happens When Someone Is In A Coma

Imperial history of the Middle East

Not that it is closely related to the desert, but this little video is very informative!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Kitten Has A Belly


Un celebre scienziato, professore di Biopsicologia presso l'università di Albany, Gordon Gallup, in uno studio recentemente pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista scientifica "
Evolutionary Psychology " ha rivelato come per le donne il bacio rappresenti - inconsapevolmente - la prova tangibile per valutare quanto un partner sia biologicamente valido al fine della procreazione. Il discorso è ovviamente più articolato di così e, per dirla con le parole dello stesso Prof. Gallup: "...il contatto tra le labbra dei partner mette in moto una elaborata serie di meccanismi di analisi di cui nemmeno ci rendiamo conto, salvo poi avere il risultato finale di questa analisi sotto form of emotion, positive or negative. It all starts with the saliva, which contains cells of the human body: they are in contact and are then analyzed by receptors in taste, smell and touch. The receptor, thus stimulated, send e-mail obtained by the kiss to the brain which, if it finds harmony, immediately says to the hormonal system to activate and create a state of pleasure, which is always returned by the kiss. The mechanism is more complex than we think, partly because men and women use the kiss for different reasons: the woman kisses "to the compatibility of the genetic code in view of possible long-term relationship, aimed at having children stronger and healthier, "while men" use to seduce essentially the kiss and less is done to understand how the other person. "In fact, women" shows more of like the kiss of those who have a genetic profile different because Thanks to their maternal instinct, they know that an increased exchange of genes ensures better health for children that may arise in that pair.
short, even in a "simple" kiss emerge apparentemenmte deep and insurmountable differences between men and women, to make us think at times, but how is it possible that so different beings are destined to join?
The answer is not simple and let your individual reflection!
However, for those wishing to explore this and other topics biopsychological, here is the link for you:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unlocking Dvd Sony Dvp-sr200p

motorway to the prehistory

a Segnalo Alberto Stabile article appeared in "La Repubblica"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulate Friend's Wedding


I wanted to write an article that reflects some 'interest and curiosity of all "non-professionals" who follow my blog and my Facebook page: I asked what it was, among a range of subjects eligible candidates, that would have aroused the most interest. The responses received have directed the choice of "The Secret Life of Thoughts" - negative - I add, because in fact we like positive thoughts and make us feel good and, after all, their "secret life" it matters little compared to that instead of the thoughts that make us feel bad, that bother us, and who often end up sabotaging our own well being.
But what are the "negative thoughts"? What are they? And above all, because even though they are so damaging continue to be part of our days (and nights of ...) endangering our peace and our faith in ourselves?
Here is a set of cognitive attitudes which arise from negative thoughts and much of that inner dialogue that makes us feel inadequate, preventing us to act calmly and can cause discomfort and malaise:

Considerare se stessi come meno validi, meno in gamba, meno capaci, meno divertenti, attraenti o piacevoli della maggior parte delle persone con cui ci si confronta. Inoltre, frequentemente le persone affette da depressione tendono a focalizzare l’attenzione – anche nel ricordare – su episodi in cui si sono sentiti non accettati, non apprezzati o non all’altezza e su persone che sono di maggior successo di loro. Nel tempo, questa modalità di pensiero o se vogliamo, questa attenzione focalizzata, porta a considerarsi privi di valore e di attrattive fino a concludere non soltanto di meritare malessere e punizioni ma anche che gli altri starebbero certamente meglio senza di noi. Pensieri rappresentativi This attitude is cognitive: "I'll never be as good as ..." "I'm not worth anything," "are a failure," "I only do damage," etc., etc. ...
 self-criticism, self-condemnation
characterized by a tendency to focus on their misconduct and mistakes by overestimating the value and importance, or the tendency to devalue their actions always thinking that you could do better or more without, give weight to what was done rather well. This attitude brings with it a consequence of not less harmful: the habit of considering as undeserved happy events and successes. These attitudes are frequently associated with excessive and unrealistic expectations about the goodness and perfection of its performance, thus creating a vicious circle in which excessive expectations by their nature can not
The paradigm of this is simple:
a clear example of this are thoughts like: "I had to do better," "I did not do enough", "I have not been up to," "my fault" or "not on this success, "" is not my doing, 'etc. etc..
The tendency to generalize the unpleasant events thinking that all it is, everything that goes wrong and to be victims of a tragedy, a typical thought is I should be all wrong. " Or take a defeatist attitude and catastrophic as a result of minor setbacks or disappointed expectations. 
This is the trend - often not at all realistic - to consider the future as a harbinger of bad luck and unfortunate events that the person will certainly not be able to cope. They consider the thoughts that lead to unpleasant feelings and the difficulties of life as unbeatable and destined to perpetuate forever. The individual is likely to resign themselves to unhappiness as well, considering inevitable and will tend to repeat that it is useless to try to make things better (liabilities learned). 
overestimation of DIFFICULTIES '/ underestimation of the OWN CAPACITY'
This form of cognitive distortion usually belongs to the anxious people but is also common in people with depression, the individual tends to overestimate the difficulties, while underestimating their ability to cope to act and to influence events. Hence the overwhelming feeling of not being able to meet the commitments to the difficulties in the future. These concerns can be accompanied, in cases particularly intense, with sensations of nausea, tachycardia, headache and dizziness.

These attitudes are cognitive in their full expression, the cognitive structure of individuals suffering from depression, in fact, it prevails the tendency to evaluate oneself negatively, events and the future.
But such thoughts can also - albeit in a biased and inconsistent - to provide our common way of "feeling" and to view ourselves and the events, especially in times of stress, distress or mental fatigue or stress conditions psycho-physical , worsening our mood and thereby preventing him from re-emerging from a difficult time and get to work in a constructive manner.

E 'therefore very important to learn to recognize and recognize their destructive effects!

But before presenting some simple techniques, you need a little preamble, which is the answer to the question: Why

, although they are both harmful and painful, these thoughts continue to arise?
The first step, as it may seem obvious, it is very simple but fundamental:
RECOGNIZE negative thoughts that influence our inner dialogue : So learn to be careful whenever they appear in your inner dialogue phrases like "I'll not ever," "Do not match", "have failed", "is all my fault," "I've got it all wrong," "I'll never learn," "I will never be equal", "everything goes to hell," " Only I will remain / a, "" I do not deserve the compliment-success "and so on.
monitor and evaluate their thoughts is to judge the reliability and credibility by identifying both the evidence that support the truth and those that disprove them. For example, the negative statement "I did not combined at all" when in fact just half of a lavoro è stata fatta, può essere sostituita con: “ho già fatto metà del lavoro!”. Questa semplice e ragionevole tecnica permette di ridurre il disagio emotivo contrapponendo all’irrazionalità dei pensieri automatici negativi una serie di pensieri più realistici e funzionali. Il limite di questa tecnica è che da sola non rende meno frequenti i pensieri automatici negativi inoltre dimostra che un po’ li crediamo veri, altrimenti nemmeno li prenderemmo in considerazione.
SOSTITUIRLI CON PENSIERI POSITIVI Questa strategia consiste nel sostituire i pensieri negativi ogni volta che essi si presentano automaticamente, con una serie di pensieri positivi altrettanto realistici e verosimili. You must have patience and learn to tolerate the dissonance created by the initial lack of habit to think positive things and you will see that after a bit 'of time, positive thoughts will join automatically and effortlessly in your daily inner dialogue. This will bring a great benefit. The limit of this technique is that often people do not easily replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, because they consider the first far more real and true than the latter.
ACCEPTANCE AND DISCRIMINATION OF NEGATIVE intrusive thoughts is to observe passively ignore or intrusive thoughts without giving them any emotional value or truth. It is one of effective techniques, along with discrimination when you are in the presence of ruminations from obsessive-compulsive disorder. But in this case is highly recommended to seek the help of an expert.

Finally we always present a great truth: We can not control

However, as taught by the ancient Buddhist tradition, a very wise thing we can do for our well-being is to start re-understand the harmful and negative thoughts and let them run away ... trying to give them little importance, recognizing the illusory and transient nature.

If you want to delve into this topic, scrivetemi al mio indirizzo di posta elettronica.

Buona vita!

Cael Sanderson 1.0 Wrestling Shoes


Hello everyone ... is a bit not posted, but here I am ....

Then you'll notice that Ubuntu is released 10.10, and are gay have been problems ....

  1. wifi .... Haaaaaaa a real scourge for ubuntu, if you have usb wifi card with Realteck chipset, Ralink, Intel, all right are supported, others are of the "biblical plagues;
  2. I have a Nvidia 9800 GT video card 1GB, avoid installing the ' latest drivers offered by Ubuntu, the plan;
  3. If
  4. you have a multi-core AMD and especially more than 4 GB of ram, install 64-bit version only, 32 with the PAE kernel is much slower and unstable
  5. navigation with Firefox and other browsers SLOW AND EXCEPT THAT ON GOOGLE. here's what you do: Set the DNS to manual mode, open the terminal and give these commands
     sudo chattr-i / etc / resolv.conf nameserver 
    sudo echo> / etc / resolv.conf sudo echo nameserver
    8.8 .4.4>> / etc / resolv.conf
    sudo chattr + i / etc / resolv.conf "
  6. the second command" sudo echo nameserver> / etc / resolv.conf "there will returned bell'errore like "you can not make changes and so on." ; Always do so from a terminal type "sudo gedit / etc / resolv.conf" from notepad gedit add these suffixes
    nameserver nameserver Save and close. Reboot and you will find that navigation is very fluid and veolce +.

Now notes good, and very fast 32-bit Ubuntu, 64 bit is a missile, is technically stable +, the kernel is in my "Linux luca64-desktop 2.6.35-23-36-generic # Ubuntu x86_64 GNU / Linux "is a fable, but in order to understand the problem that haunts me in boot black screen + 30 seconds of waiting for an elusive term k10, della cpu, per poi arrivare al GDM, era la versione 32 bit che collimava con l'architettura della cpu a 64bit. Quindi installato Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit tutto rientra nella norma.

Per ora è tutto, la linea torna allo studio hahahaha.
