Saturday, February 27, 2010

Graco Snugride Replacement Cover



Learning to breathe properly means relax your muscle tension and mental, to find the spontaneity The answer to that do not correspond to physical pain clinic: functional or psychosomatic headaches, resentment cervical muscle contractions.

The breath support, especially, the multiple metabolic functions of our body. Each cell (the cells to form tissues, organs and systems) absorbs the oxygen carried by blood, the vital energy and transforming it into using the expels in the form of carbon dioxide, being absorbed by plants and, through a chemical process facilitated by light, reverts to oxygen.
why our bronchi, in analogy with the trees, are called "respiratory tree". Similarly, "the lungs of the planet," are the oxygen supply of the vast expanses of tropical rain forests and ocean plankton. The breathing is in tune with that of our planet "alive". The respiratory system, from small, is "belly" light and free, like the joy and wonder of discovering the world. Growing up you may find disappointment, insecurity, fear of loss, abandonment. Consequently, with the contraction of the thin diaphragm muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen, "we hold our breath" when we hold emotions, good or bad, or fear of inability to express them. Many organizations have become sick for lack of oxygen in the corresponding tissue. Learning to breathe more deeply, does not require the use of special techniques, but to make good use of what is natural to us. Seven breaths, slow, deep, are already "a relaxing bath" for our nervous system. Just remember to do it more often. If we have a bad habit, following our haste to breathing "syncopated" (rapid and shallow), osserviamoci a bit 'with care, to replace it with a slower and deeper. Even our thoughts will flow more smoothly, allowing us to experience the natural joy that emerges when, "slowing down" our life and our breath, restore more balance between reason and emotion. Sometimes we are overwhelmed by the real problems that seem to have no end: even in these difficult times, to go forward, we need to draw on, with the breath, the vital energy reserves as a "fifth gear" are already in each of us. In each of us there is already peace also that of the world starts from within each person. Meditation in the East, you breathe with awareness, in the silence of the mind, listening to the senses. For us, that we do not have the habit of this practice, just relax, breathe slowly and gently deep linking, in the mind, an image of the greater scope of nature, it is the undertow of the sea or the slow breathing of the wind in a field 'oats ...

Web site dedicated to the sailors in search of Truth. To those who are not content of phenomenal appearances. To those who do not believe in anything, would like to improve the quality of their lives.
Listening to oneself Each cell absorbs oxygen carried by the blood and uses it to convert the energy vital
Listening to yourself every cell absorbs oxygen carried by the blood and uses it to convert the energy vital

Thursday, February 25, 2010

How To Reconnect Disconnected Cable

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Wifes First Lesbiens Expérience


* From the book: "The Love Goddesses Inside the Women "by Jean S. Bolen Archetypes are patterns of instinctual behavior contained in the collective unconscious, are responsible for most of the differences that distinguish the women among them, and every woman is represented by the main character in the intertwining story of his life.
What makes a woman can not make sense to another: according to the goddess in her acting, in a female goddesses are more and more personality is complex, the greater the possibility that the goddesses are more of an active, fulfilling what some of you may seem trivial to another party.
When these goddesses in the psyche of women are competing, you must decide which aspect of self-expression and when, to avoid being confused and at the mercy of their indecision.
It 'important to note that the social environment, family, culture may influence the manifestation of an archetype in the child, even if the main one, and this may lead the woman to experience a sense of inadequacy and suffering, as it diverted from its true inner essence. The expectations of the family to the daughter may reinforce some deities and repress others.
When different goddesses vie for supremacy, as in periods of hormonal changes (menstruation, pregnancy), the "change" of Goddess can cause conflict and confusion.
studying the characteristics of individual goddesses, she may realize that an archetype that would be useful, you are not yet developed: you can then "invoke" the goddess, making a conscious effort to detect its presence, contact us by ' imagination, and then ask for the strength to which it bears. The female archetypes
take into consideration the Greek mythology and are two distinct groups of goddesses:
1. Virgin goddesses - Artemis, Athena, Hestia
represent the feminine qualities of independence and self-sufficiency, emotional attachments, not distract from what they consider important, do not act like victims and do not suffer.
The appearance of the virgin goddess represents that part of woman that man can not possess or "penetrate" is not touched by the need for a man or his approval, which itself exists entirely separate from him.
2. Vulnerable goddesses - Hera, Demeter, Persephone
represent the traditional roles of wife, mother and daughter. Dee, whose identity and well-being depend on the presence in their lives, a significant relationship, what motivates them is the satisfaction of the report, approval, love, attention. Experience the possibilities of growth through suffering and often react with pity.

In a separate category are Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, is defined by reference to the goddess alchemical process or magical power of transformation that she alone possessed.

The myth known as Diana (the Romans) was the goddess of the hunt, the moon, the wild life, very attached to animals and nature, which had a total of spiritual communion. The women turned to her when gave birth for the aid to alleviate the pain, the pain that she was not touched.
The archetype acted quickly and decisively, to bring protection and relief to those who spoke to her, and quick to punish those who offended her. He felt at home at night. Independent female personification of the spirit.
The woman: one who embodies this archetype brings with it a sense of completeness "I take care of myself" that allows it to act alone. Her identity and sense of worth does not depend on a man, but "what" and "what it does." Manifested great courage in facing obstacles.
competitiveness stimulates his excitement for the "hunt". Innate ability to focus intensely on what you consider important in order to achieve their goals. You can define persistent and explorer. The Artemis woman tends to live strong feelings in relation to the causes and principles that support (feminists, political activists ...). If a child is hindered in the manifestation of his personality Artemis, the woman will develop a sense of inadequacy.
adulthood brings this woman to have sexual experience acquired as an expression of his tendency to explore, and collecting (hunting) adventures. Although married maintains its independence, coming to build a relationship paritario con il marito.
Predilige lavori che le permettono un avanzamento di carriera, e in cui possa manifestare tutte le sue qualità.
Aspetti negativi: disprezzo per la vulnerabilità, rabbia distruttiva verso le persone che possono veramente ostacolare il raggiungimento di un suo obbiettivo. Spesso questo tipo di donna emana un senso di inaccessibilità, freddezza, spietatezza verso chi le causa un torto; quando vuole raggiungere un risultato utilizza tutte le sue risorse, anche se questo può portare a ferire altre persone.
Aspetti da integrare: la donna deve sviluppare il suo potenziale inconscio, la sua recettività, acquisire la capacità di trasformare l’esperienza vissuta dandole un contenuto personale, and not just live it as an achievement. He should learn to love and take care of another, accepting vulnerability in other people without judging them. Athena

Myth: Greek goddess of wisdom and crafts, from the Romans called Minerva. Note to the winning strategies and practical solutions.
The archetype: archetype, is the model for the rational women, ruled by the head rather than the heart. Ability to maintain control in difficult or emergency situations, developing appropriate strategies that lead women to act with the determination of a man. However, the virgin goddess who seek the company covenant with man. Archetype
leading the woman to control events, to consider the effects and alter the course of action when it is unproductive.
The woman is objective, impersonal and capable. Athena is the woman who opened the hood of the car and adjust the fault. The organization comes naturally, turns out to be a tireless worker, he prefers the work in which mind and hands work together. She embodies the goddess who lives in mind and is often not in touch with your body. If hampered by small show in this archetype, as an adult can suppress what you feel, and wear a protective armor, becoming insensitive to the feelings, because otherwise you do not feel safe.
relationships with men are at the level of friendship and cooperation, usually learns to make love with great skill, even if he does not know what it means to push the body to the limit. If you marry creates a relationship of solidarity rather than passionate union, became the counselor and the husband is not jealous, unless it is endangering his marriage, if it sees that this can not happen even accepts the presence of a 'lover.
Cons: intimidating others, has the power to render sterile the experience of others if not considered important can turn a conversation into a thin guide to details, being very much in mind, can show a lack of sensitivity e nasconde la sua vulnerabilità con autorità e critica. Rischia di dedicarsi sempre al lavoro, e di non staccare mai la mente.
Aspetti da integrare: non è mai stata bambina, deve imparare ad affacciarsi alla vita con l’innocenza e lo stupore di un bimbo, imparando a lasciarsi andare alle proprie emozioni attraverso la risata ed il pianto, e accettando anche di farsi abbracciare.
Il mito: dea del focolare dai romani detta Veste. Presenza avvertita a livello spirituale come fuoco sacro che riscalda e protegge. I rapporti sessuali di una vestale con un uomo profanavano questa dea, e come punizione veniva sepolta viva.
L’archetipo: come archetipo conferisce alla donna un senso di purezza, completezza, portatrice of truth, and the sense of a profound spiritual vision. The latter aspect gives it the ability to focus on the subjective internal, his perception is through the inner eye and intuition.
estiana mode allows us to establish contact with those who are our values, focusing on what is meaningful on a personal level.
The woman loves the solitude and concentrate on cleaning the house, through the housework bring order into himself, and is very happy when everything is tidy and clean. She prefers environments
Estia religious or spiritual paths too rigid.
His ego is not in the limelight does not harbor ambitions and is not tied to its surroundings, but his inner world. This type of woman is quiet, unobtrusive, its presence creates an atmosphere of warmth and order that gives a sense of peace. The child with this archetype that is found in a family conflict, tends to close in his inner world and cultivate a sense of isolation.
Sexuality is an important aspect in your life, if not married in intimate relationships will be active and do not miss it if rare, shows a desire to be sought, and found to be a good wife, she still made you feel Estia even without the presence of a man. The work is not competitive and is very reliable.
La pratica della meditazione può gradualmente attivare o rinforzare l’ascendente di Estia, la dea introversa che coltiva il suo mondo interiore.
Aspetti negativi: donna soggetta alla solitudine e all’isolamento. Le manca la capacità di imporre le proprie ragioni se scontenta o svalutata, subendo passivamente ciò che le accade; la solitudine che la donna Estia apprezza molto può diventare abbandono se le persone da lei amate, ignorando i suoi sentimenti, la lasciano. Se privata di sicurezza e stabilità date da situazioni istituzionalizzate, può sentirsi senza protezione (chiesa, matrimonio). Difficoltà ad avere rapporti con gli altri se non è in un luogo a lei familiare, infatti ad una festa può sentirsi goffa, timida, inadeguata.
Fra tutte le divinità, Estia, era l’unica a non essere rappresentata con sembianze umane, le mancava un’immagine o una Persona (*).
Aspetti da integrare: dovrebbe imparare ad esprimere i sentimenti in modo da farli arrivare alle persone che le sono care, arrivando ad acquisire una “Persona”; ed imparando a proporsi in maniera affermativa.
E’ importante che cerchi di slatentizzare il suo “animus”, cioè la sua dimensione maschile interna che può aiutarla a passare all’azione nelle situazioni difficili; questo le permetterebbe di essere chiara e capace di affermare il proprio sentire.
La donna Estia deve fare attenzione not to be overwhelmed by its intellectual aspect (logos) that can lead to a scientific investigation of his inner experience.
(*) Person: psychology iunghiana Personality is the mask of social adaptation that the individual
"Goddesses in woman
(second part) was

The myth: the majestic, regal, beautiful Era the Romans knew her as Juno was the goddess of marriage.
It is said that it was the wife of Zeus, which was very unfaithful, but she turned her anger against the furious lovers, rather than to her husband. She was the goddess who was revered and insulted, honored and humbled, has positive and negative attributes much stronger di altre dee.
L’archetipo: archetipo che rappresenta una forza di potente intensità, sia nella gioia che nel dolore.
La donna: la donna che veste questo ruolo si sente incompleta senza un compagno, ed una volta sposata intende rimanere tale nella buona o nella cattiva sorte. Le piace fare del marito il centro della propria vita, e spesso sposa un uomo che rappresenta sia una creatura bisognosa di calore, sia un uomo potente. Se da piccola vive in una famiglia dove non regna l’armonia, la donna Era farà di tutto per sposarsi, al fine di costruire lei una situazione familiare in cui si senta protetta, e dove possa concretizzare l’ideale che ha del matrimonio.
La sessualità va di pari passo al matrimonio, generalmente arriva vergine all’altare, quindi la sua scoperta della sessualità dipende da ciò che le trasmette il marito. Per lei il lavoro è un aspetto secondario della vita, quindi farà di tutto per conciliarlo con la vita matrimoniale. In genere la donna Era non da molta importanza alle amicizie e di solito non ha un’amica del cuore.
La donna Era reagisce alla perdita e al dolore con la collera e con l’attività (spesso andandosene), inoltre cade nel vittimismo che la fa sentire potente anzichè rifiutata.
Aspetti negativi: può restare prigioniera fra archetipo e cultura, infatti per non andare contro al credo religioso, preferisce portare avanti un matrimonio all’insegna della sofferenza. La donna Era condemns and punishes the women by giving them or excluding them ostracism, tends to act as judge of the society can be vindictive if he discovers that the man on whom he lavished all her attention, does not recognize the effort they put into what ago. If unsure
is very vulnerable to jealousy, and when the husband neglects the public feels humiliated and given little respect.
aspects to be integrated: this type of woman is important to recognize the influence of Age, including the susceptibility that are proper to go beyond the dimension which represents the archetype, learning to make choices and do not let that gratifichino that it is always the husband to decide. When
anger should not be deceived by this emotion, but reflect on the choices you have available, learning to channel anger and jealousy in an activity that enables it to transmute (painting, writing, reading, work). It 'important that you learn to accept the end of a relationship, moving away from a feeling of jealousy and resentment when his companion decided to leave. The myth of Demeter

: goddess of the harvest (presided over abundance of crops), nurse and mother. The Romans knew her as Ceres' grain. "
The archetype is the archetype of the mother is the maternal instinct that occurs in pregnancy or giving food to other physical, psychological o spirituale. Chi incarna questo ruolo è impaziente di diventare madre.
L’archetipo materno spinge la donna ad essere nutrice, generosa e disinteressata, e a cercare la propria soddisfazione nel curare e accudire gli altri.
Se l’archetipo Demetra cade in depressione immediatamente sospende il contatto emotivo con il figlio o il compagno, il quale si sentirà abbandonato, ma essendo dipendente da lei potrà incontrare difficoltà gravi a livello psicologico.
La donna: alla donna Demetra piace preparare grandi pranzi per la famiglia e gli ospiti, ed è invasa dal piacere quando le fanno i complimenti per le sue attitudini di buona madre. Altro attributo è la perseveranza, infatti rifiuta di darsi per vinta quando at stake is the welfare of children.
When this pattern is predominant in a woman, and she can not handle it, can fall into depression at the time the children leave, syndrome of "empty nest", and feeling worthless. In their relations is provident and protection, succor and generous, attentive to her surroundings, caring and loyal to people and to the principles. Demeter
If the child is born into a family where the father does not have a paternal instinct, will develop an attitude of an adult victim.
Generally this type of woman prefers men who seem immature and insecure, on which she can exercise her care, but then often become completely dependent by yourself, you create a bond-child lover and frequently she is chronologically older.
is not very sexually active, prefers effusions and pampering.
This type of woman is vulnerable, and has difficulty saying no even when very tired, but instead of admitting their feelings become apathetic and aggressive. These qualities are reflected in social professions such as teaching, care of the sick, and work will not be competitive and even intellectually ambitious.
Cons: obvious victimization, power and control, indulging in displays of anger and depression;
tends to create dependency relationships.
generally exercises control over the other and creates around himself insecurity and inadequacy.
His passive-aggressive behavior makes it appear unable to handle the difficulties, and this makes her feel guilty.
aspects to be integrated: it should learn to express anger, instead of compressing it within himself, in so doing reduce the risk of falling into depression, even learning to say no when she is tired, avoid the feeling of emptiness and depression due to excessive commitments . Should "let go and let grow."
should agree to ask for help when in difficulty, admitting that it is not able to handle the situation, learning to become a mother herself, wondering what is best for you.
indicated that it would not remain fixed at one stage, reacting to apathy, so as not to remain empty and sterile existence: learning to accept that life has its highs and lows and through the flow may be able to overcome a time difficult to emerge with a deeper wisdom and spiritual understanding.

The Persephone myth this goddess had two names, symbolizing the two contrasting aspects that set it apart:
Kore or young maiden who was unaware of who he was, and Persephone, queen of the underworld because of its ability to handle the deep layers of his psyche. From the Romans was called Persephone or Core.
As queen of the underworld, Persephone was a mature woman, who ruled over the souls of the dead, drove the living to the underworld and demanded for himself what he wanted. This is to represent the ability to move between the reality ego and the reality of the objective world of the unconscious psyche
The archetype: archetype is active when it is possible that she mediates between the two levels (maiden and queen of the underworld ), integrating both in personality, and provide guidance to others who "visit" the underworld in dreams or fantasies, or those who lose touch with reality. Symbolically, the underworld may represent the deepest layers of the psyche, the place where there are the feelings and memories, where you can find images and instincts, feelings, archetypes common to all humanity (collective unconscious).
The woman: the woman who embodies this archetype is not prepared to act, but to be "shaken" by the others, namely to have a condescending behavior and a passive attitude.
The appearance of a young girl archetype is that it ignores those who are still unaware of their wishes and their own forces: the attitude of the eternal teenager is undecided about what he wants to be great. Also tends to please the mother and to be the "good girl" obedient and attentive, often live sheltered or protected experiences that present risks.
Woman adapts to the desires of others, because it is not quite aware of itself, to be able to give an image of what his life is subjective. His innate receptivity makes it very flexible, and that the door to do any other thing you expect from her.
Persephone is youth, vitality and the woman who embodies this archetype is receptive to change and remain young at heart for life. The girl
Persephone, overprotected, will develop an attitude fragile and in need of protection and guidance, and will remain dependent on someone. Sexually
is unaware of his sexuality, wait Prince Charming to come wake her up. With men is a woman-child, young and submissive attitude.
If you can draw cute friendship of women who are not considered particularly women, that cast upon her own femininity undeveloped, and treat it as something special.
generally moving from one job to another in the hope that you find one that really care. He lives in the "Never Land" with Peter Pan as Wendy, wandering and playing with their lives. Or if the woman has overcome deep psychological crisis may decide to help others to recover from this situation, choosing to work in psychiatric wards. Like the goddess, la donna Persefone può evolvere nelle varie difficoltà della sua vita o rimanere fissata ad una fase.
Aspetti negativi: il narcisismo può essere una trappola per questa donna, infatti può fissarsi su di sè con tanta ansia da perdere la capacità di rapportarsi agli altri.
Soggetta alla depressione, chiude ermeticamente dentro di sè rabbia o dissenso.
Aspetti da integrare: la donna Persefone può superare la sua dimensione se è costretta ad affrontare la vita con le sue sole forze e prendersi cura di sè, solo quando non ha qualcuno che decida per lei può crescere.
E' in grado di sviluppare qualità estatiche e numinose da sacerdotessa, arrivando a sentirsi inebriata dai rituali e può potential development of a medium or psychic, to do what has to overcome the appearance "Kore." If
fell into the depths of herself and overcome the difficulties, it may be helpful to people who pass through these stages, becoming a guide for others.

Aphrodite Myth: alchemical goddess of love and beauty, creative woman and a lover. Called by the Romans Venus. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was a presence that inspired awe, because it causes mortals and gods, falling in love and the conception of a new life. Inspired poetry and persuasive words, and represented the power of transformation and creation of their 'love. Aphrodite in all reports it was never a victim of passion is not reciprocated to him.
The archetype: the Aphrodite archetype determines the pleasure that some women feel about love, beauty, sensuality and sexuality. Aphrodite is the drive to ensure the continuation of the species.
This archetype is an immense force for change, because this goddess flowed through attraction, marriage and birth of a new life.
The woman, every woman when she falls in love with someone who reciprocates this sentiment, becomes the personification of this archetype. It turns to be in mortal goddess of love, you feel attractive and sexy. He falls in love very often and has a magnetism personale che attira gli altri in un campo carico di erotismo. Se l’archetipo riesce ad esprimersi, non di rado la donna si trova in opposizione con i modelli correnti di moralità, fino a rischiare l’ostracismo.
Colei che incarna questo archetipo se rimane incinta non è perchè animata dal desiderio di avere un figlio, ma perchè desidera sessualmente l’uomo che ama.
La donna che si identifica con Afrodite spesso è estroversa e la sua personalità esprime una brama di vita e un che di selvaggio. Tende a vivere nel presente immediato, prendendo la vita come se non fosse niente di più di un’esperienza dei sensi.
Generalmente quando è piccola ama stare al centro dell’attenzione ed indossare fine clothes, and parents cling and are proud of these characteristics, but then came to the same family, the adolescent care a lot under control, and complain of such conduct, which may attract children. This creates much confusion in the young man who comes to feel guilty without knowing the reasons. When she grows Aphrodite in an atmosphere that condemns female sexuality, it is possible that attempts to stifle interest in men and is considered unclean sexual desires he feels. For women
Aphrodite is difficult to achieve a lasting and monogamous marriage, she likes men that attracts with its charm and for your interest in them, a seductive interest, which makes a man feel special and sexy.
The work does not involve a emotionally not interested, she likes variety and intensity, repetitive tasks such as housework, or use the monotone bored, likes to play an activity that allows it to use his creativity.
Very often this type of woman is not well accepted by others, as jealous of its charm and elegance. Generally there is good with women who have similar archetype.
The artist immersed in a creative process is inspired dall'archetipo of this goddess.
Cons: If tied to an unhappy love affair, in which he does not consider his much can be overwhelmed by feelings and come to settle for the small details that come from the man who wishes, but this creates a state of the suffering, but if it falls in love with a man who is not interested in her, her obsessive involvement can bring it to remain in this situation for years, keeping them from focusing on other reports.
to integrate aspects: to recognize the destructiveness of an attack on a man who does not want.
must learn that when making an important decision, it is essential that come into contact with the mixed feelings and conflicting lives, trying to analyze and understand what is really important to her, considering i sentimenti, i valori, e le motivazioni che sente.
Apprendere a non rimanere ferita quando si trova in competizione con persone aggressive, che vogliono ottenere potere e posizione, e sviluppare il proprio potere personale, rimanendo però una persona tenera e comprensiva.
Imparare a tenere una certa distanza emotiva dai rapporti, in modo da averne una visione complessiva scegliendo così ciò che per lei è significativo: questo le consentirebbe di non idealizzare un uomo. Dovrebbe imparare a dire no se necessario, nonostante la disponibilità che la caratterizza, al fine di non subire imposizioni.

The Ultimate Element Crossword Puzzle Anwers

IL Hero's journey

A cura della Dott.ssa Annalisa Barbier
book by Carol S. Pearson "awaken the hero within us"

The "Hero's Journey" is our personal journey and we are the hero. It is the set of experiences that we are experiencing in our lives and from which we learn to grow, to change our attitudes, to look at life and the other in new ways. As in any self-respecting fairy tale, our journey requires us to be a treasure to discover (or rediscover) and a dragon to slay, the Treasury is the discovery of our true Self, our talents, our abilities deep and the dragon represents our inner fears, our limitations. This trip is not endless. As the author says:

"... we do not cease ever to travel, but we have events that mark the stages when that happens is the result of the new reality we experienced. And every time we go back on the road, we do it to a new level and come back with a new Treasury and transformative capacity of new-fangled. "
The purpose of our journey then it is the discovery of our value, our self, the deeper meaning of our lives, and gives us "... the opportunity to leave behind the frustration of untapped potential and decide to live the high life [... ] We can live a great life if we are ready to become larger than ourselves and in the process, the idea of \u200b\u200bpowerlessness assuming responsibility for our existence. "
The deep meaning of this journey is the achievement of our end-meaning: to know to be a hero means knowing how to be a place, at the time and right place, it means getting to know their talents and abilities and understand what is the proper end, not what we have been given by others or what others expect of us. In other words it means

"When we find ourselves ... everything seems to go in his place. We can see our beauty, our intelligence, our goodness. We can use them productively, and this pleases us. We are less busy to show us, so we can relax and love and be loved. We have everything we need to affirm our full humanity, our full heroism. "

Like every journey has its stages, so our hero's journey includes some steps or stages which are: the preparation, the journey itself and Return:
"... During the stage of Preparations are being challenged to demonstrate our ability, our courage, our humanity and our fidelity to ideals that inspire us. During the trip, we leave the safety of family or gruppo di origine e ci inoltriamo in una ricerca in cui incontriamo la morte, la sofferenza e l’amore. Ma, più importante di tutto, il nostro sé si trasforma. Nel Mito, tale trasformazione è simboleggiata dal ritrovamento di un tesoro o di un oggetto sacro. Al Ritorno dall’impresa, diventiamo Sovrani del nostro regno che per merito del nostro cambiamento si trasforma. […] Ogni volta che perdiamo il senso della nostra integrità o iniziamo a sentirci inadeguati alle comuni sfide della vita, dobbiamo rimetterci in cammino”.


Possiamo considerare l’archetipo a grandi linee come una sorta di contenitore universale per le idee, attraverso il quale everyone plays and "feels" that lives and experiences.

The archetype is the primitive form from which the originators of the mythical-religious expressions of humanity and see them reflected "... the haunting images of myth, art, literature, and religion, and we know they are archetypes because they are found everywhere, in every time and place. "

During our journey we are accompanied and supported by a series of inner guides or archetypes, each of which is the representation of a particular way of doing and living the travel and ourselves. Of these inner guides / archetypes, we find expression, and life inside track di noi nei sogni o nelle fantasie, o all’esterno come accade nelle espressioni del mito, nella letteratura, nell’arte o negli elementi naturali come facevano le religioni pagane (ad esempio nelle costellazioni, o negli animali).
Nel suo libro l’Autrice indica 12 di tali guide interiori/archetipi:


Ognuno di questi 12 archetipi è allo stesso tempo guida lungo il Viaggio dell’Eroe e stadio del Viaggio stesso; esso “… gives us a lesson and learn a skill or a treasure to enrich our lives. "
Each of these 12 guides, however, belongs not only a positive, constructive and creative but also a negative form, consisting of the uncomfortable aspects and expressions, too, disregarded or denied the archetype, which is called the "shadow side" and when we live it has a mysterious sense of psychological distress and fail to exit the form of negative expression of an archetype. To do this we must necessarily learn to honor the archetype
"... expressing it in some way. In this case what we need to do is make the good point. "


As previously indicated each archetype has a shadow side, which represents aspects deteriorate, harder and less constructive, that the individual can live in any time in his life: for example, when we say that we are not good enough or smart (shadow-test) or that we can not go on living without love (shadow-lover), and identify those who warn us against these destructive inner voices, like dragons to fight, and annihilate.
INNOCENT-GHOST "shows with a capacity of denial that prevents us from seeing what's really going on. You're hurting yourself and others, but did not admit. You may also be injured, but this knowledge is suppressed. Or give credence to what others say, even when their view of things is directly opposed to what you know intimately. "
ORPHAN-GHOST "is the victim, who gives others the blame of their failure, irresponsibility and even rapacious behavior of its life and expects special treatment and exemption by virtue of the wrongs suffered, or its fragility. When our lives in this shadow dominates positive orphan, we act aggressively even against those who try to help us, hurting us this and at the same time. Or we can break down and become apathetic (attitude of 'You can not expect anything from me. I'm sick, I was hurt, do not match'). "
-SHADOW WARRIOR: "Use the qualities of the warrior for his own benefit without regard to morals, ethics or the good of society. It is active in our lives whenever we feel m forced to compromise our principles in order to compete, win or achieve our goals. Can be perceived in a tendency to be constantly alert and to see everything that happens as an insult, a threat or a challenge be addressed. "
GUARDIAN ANGEL-GHOST "And the suffering martyr, which controls the other, making them feel guilty. - See how I sacrifice myself for you! - Manifests itself in all the behaviors and engulfing blackmailers, in which the individual uses his care and protection function to suppress or dominate others. It is also found in the 'dependency on the employee', which is the irrepressible need, pathological care or to save others. "
FINDER-GHOST "is a perfectionist, always striving to be worthy of a goal or impossible to find the solution 'just'. We see it in people whose main activity in life is to improve themselves, those who run the health club during the nth self-perfection, and yet never feel ready to commit to something. "
DESTROYER-GHOST "includes all self-destructive behaviors - addictions, conditioned mechanisms, ways of doing things that undermine the possibility of relationship, success in career, self-esteem - such as physical and mental violence, rape ol'assassinio that affect destructive on the other. "
LOVER-GHOST "includes an 'sirens' (that distract others from their research), the seducers (using for the love of conquest), the nymphomaniac (pathologically dependent dall’amore e dal sesso) e tutti quelli che non sanno dire di no quando arriva la passione, o sono totalmente distrutti quando una relazione d’amore si chiude”.
CREATORE-OMBRA: “ si manifesta nell’ossessività, quando il creare significa immaginare tante possibilità che non si può lavorare appieno su nessuna. Una forma di questo è la mania del lavoro”.
SOVRANO-OMBRA: “è il malvagio sovrano che insiste sul suo modo di fare e bandisce gli elementi creativi dal regno (o dalla psiche) per avere a tutti i costi il controllo. Il Re o la Regina che indulge a tutti i costi al furore del potente e grida ‘tagliategli la testa!’. Spesso la gente si comporta in questi termini when it is in a position of authority, but does not know how to handle the responsibility that is connected. This shade also includes people who are motivated by a strong need for control. "
MAGO-GHOST "the evil wizard that turns negative in the positive choices. We apply this kind of 'black magic' whenever we diminish ourselves or another, or reduce the choices and opportunities, resulting in a decrease of self-esteem. The Wizard is also the shadow of us capable of damaging ourselves and others through negative thoughts and actions. "
TEST-GHOST "the judge merciless - cold, rational, heartless, dogmatic, often disproportionately solemn - che valuta noi e gli altri e decreta che non siamo, o sono, abbastanza bravi, o che non facciamo quel che dobbiamo”.
FOLLE-OMBRA: “il ghiottone, l’infingardo o il libertino totalmente definito dagli istinti e le voglie del corpo e privo di qualunque senso di dignità o autocontrollo”.


*Tutte le frasi poste tra le virgolette, sono citazioni from the book by Carol S. Pearson: "Awakening the Hero Within Us"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Create Tech Deck Online

Google Chrome

has made great strides, is now available for both Ubuntu version for other disto.
The impression is very good very fast, intuitive and streamlined. E 'on a par with Firefox and Galeon (only for Gnome). Now I'm using

per testarlo, e piano piano scopro cose nuove, degno di nota sono le estensioni "plugin" (
ovvero applicazioni create da programmatori indipendenti)
che ampliano il programma di svariate funzioni.
Una cosa che balza agli occhi è la velocità dell'avvio del programma e le poche risorse di memoria che occupa. Ovviamente è un progetto open source.
Qui trovate le versioni per GNU/Linux che per Windows XP, Vista, 7