Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black People With Ear Gauges

La stanza di Piero / Corriere Fiorentino

The history of Italy that intertwines with that of twenty-six generations of winemaking in transforming the art, respect for the balance between land and heritage. A patrician
baggage that the Marchese Piero Antinori, 2010 Cortonantiquaria award carries with pride and simplicity, the beautiful things which always are used to surround and to share the occasion with an exhibition side, the result of a relationship between Cortona and the Antinori family for over 250 years. When Gaetano Antinori, a statesman and scholar, held the office of the Etruscan Academy Lucumone after 1755.
Cortona Cortona rewards Antinori Antinori and rewards ...
"It is an extraordinary city and I'm honored by this award, the result of a strong relationship over the past fifteen years."
How important are the roots of its success and that of the Antinori family?
'roots, tradition, history plays an important role in anyone, especially in the agricultural and wine through the transmission of core values \u200b\u200bfrom generation to generation. In our case, four of them: passion, patience, perseverance and perfection. The passion for the product. The patient not to take shortcuts and do not compromise, that the chromosomes in twenty-six generations help. Perseverance to not be discouraged the first difficulty, in our work in a frost or a hail spring to late summer, may damage the entire crop. Perfection, or, not being of this world, always trying to improve. Values \u200b\u200bthat are passed down from father to son, also combining a healthy dose of courage and innovation technology. "
What is your relationship with this area?
"Important, because it has become a benchmark for winemaking, bottling and aging wine and not linked to the terroir, not forgetting the scenic value, cultural and historic area of \u200b\u200bCortona."
For visitors will be a little 'peep as in the home and in the history of his family, what they see and what they can imagine?
"They can imagine the air you breathe in a Renaissance palace, when Florence and Tuscany were the cultural and financial center of civilized world, along with the love of beauty. Just the entrepreneurial dynamism and economic prosperity have been the major thrust for cultural development, financing the great artists of the time. "
Antinori What is art for?
"We were lucky enough to live in a city like Florence, the heart of Tuscany, where he breathes a balance and a sense of aesthetics that mark you forever. Art is in the works, culture, urbanism and nature, even in the hills shaped by man. All of this expresses a harmony in the world c'invidiano and which is also reflected in our wines. "
Which is more fond of her?
"At Tignanello, because it represents a turning point in enology, marking the transition from quantity to quality. Embodies the renaissance of our wine. "
who organized the exhibition was more concerned about the affective value of the exhibits that the economy, it is the same for you?
"For us it is a privilege available to the public a glimpse of what our ancestors have built and put together a century after century. " Representing
twenty-six generations is a boast or a burden?
"A pride and a burden to bear willingly. The idea is that each generation brings its contribution and I'll try to do the same by sending these principles in future, one already in operation and another in preparation, each according to its historical period, the personal ambition and talent. "
The Antinori family is associated with the concept of Tuscany, outside the Palace still exists and, especially, can be considered a value?
"Today more than yesterday. The charm Tuscany in the world who does not have it any other region. Just think, over Florence, Siena, Cortona, Montepulciano, San Gimignano, to name a few. The treasures of art, history, culture and landscape that case are unique and are an expression of beauty, a unique balance and harmony. Each of us is enriched and brought along this positive background of sensitivity and openness to all that is beautiful, not everyone is lucky enough to metabolize since childhood such a perception. That is, Tuscany is a great and irreplaceable asset. "
Tuscany, such as the country moves back in front of the international crisis of losing parts industry ma continuando a resistere sul territorio, è questo il nostro futuro?
«Salvo alcune eccezioni credo che la Toscana non sia una regione per industrie pesanti. Viviamo un momento di trasformazione da cui nascerà un’altra Toscana, ma non possiamo pensare di vivere solo di turismo e prodotti agricoli d’eccellenza. Questa regione ha le caratteristiche per diventare luogo di ricerca e innovazione, soprattutto in settori d’avanguardia come, per esempio, il medicale e il bioteconologico».
Il premio Cortonantiquaria 2010 è un premio alla carriera, che ha seguito da una parte le direttrici del coraggio e dell’innovazione, dall’altra della tradizione e del rispetto del patrimonio storico. Beyond the state of the art, what is your next project?
"The award is given symbolically to a person, but behind this there is a family person and there are employees, so it's still most coveted and appreciated. Although there is a specific project, an incentive to relocate in the next 26 generations what they did before the twenty-six. "

Friday, August 27, 2010

Paparazzi Favorite Camera

voice and video chat from Google.

the first day of inauguration, had a million connections to the new VoIP service from Google, which is incorporated in our Gmail inbox, it is activated by installing a plugin which can be downloaded HERE for happy users of GNU / Linux in my case Ubuntu will ask to install links to the file "google- talkplugin_current_i386.deb "

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Is The Best Prosumer Camcorder In Fall 2010?

in 2011 under the banner of the narwhal

for Ubuntu Mark Shuttleworth has announced the code name for the new release, in fact directly from the lines in your blog, announced il nome del rilascio che vedrà la luce ad Aprile 2011: Ubuntu 11.04 sarà "Natty Narwhal".

Fonte Ultime notizie Ubuntu

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Donating Plasma In Orange County

Our co-workers not are like your co-workers: Intel

Quelli che si vedono sono veramente Ingegneri o Sistemisti

How To Delete An Email On Facebook

Sponsors of Tomorrow "Walter" Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow

Troppo bello.... qui in Italia, stiamo a pensare al passato al vecchio si si continuiamo

Cute Dresses For Bar Mitzvahs

jdownloader Ubuntu repository via

Ciao oggi installiamo JDownloader mediante i repository di Ubuntu 10.04.
So first a brief, what is "jdownloader, in a nutshell Eun program that runs under Java, so it's a java plugin that speeds up the absurd in a download of" anything "that is hosted on a server like rapidshare megaupload etc..
The beauty of this program that automatically recognizes the "CAPTCHA", those that appear designed alphanumeric characters on the screen. And there's more, if the archive to download is divided into several parts, the program will download one at a time, then scampatta automatically, practically we have only to point out what needs to jdownloader download the rest is done by him ... . Obviously the donwload speed is likely in a number of factors, your line asdl, scrodatevi di utilizzarlo in PTSN 56k, dal server se è molto trafficato.
Per conoscere meglio il programma, le sue funzioni ecc. cercate su google e troverete un mare di manuali ecc.

Ecco i comandi da digitare sul terminale ovviamente dovete essere online...

Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid e 9.10 Karmic:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jdownloader

Per Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 6A68F637 && sudo echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/jd-team/jdownloader/ubuntu jaunty main" -> Jdownloader, if not start quietly open the terminal and type $ jdownloader, wait a bit because it auto update and then the end will be operational.

for geeks like me here is the code to run it from terminal:

Local: / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Start java-jar-Xmx512m JDownloader.jar in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Execute: java-Xmx512m-jar-JDownloader.jar RFU in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader
strive and you will find the solution ..... cmq command is: java-jar-Xmx512m
JDownloader.jar but must be launched from the terminal in the folder on purpose ...... what ????? strive

If the system slows to a wrong configuration auto run this command from a terminal

sudo update-alternatives - config java

this is the screen viewing experience that appears, type 2 "manual mode "

There are two alternative choices for the java (which provides / usr / bin / java).

Path Selection Priority Status
------------------------------------------- -----------------
* 0 / automatic mode usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 1 / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 manual 2 / 63 usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java manual

some Screenshots here: 1:



Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Make A Diaper Carriage

We are young in the old country for old men. Effect

ARE TIRED OF LIVING SURROUNDED BY OLD ...... Just take a look at the international scene, just us prisoners in a FACT OF OLD COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN ONLY. Seventies and eighties who decide what to do, see, live, think .... and the world, which fortunately is not so much old looks at us and prevents us .....

Now just think about youtube, there are few guys who post videos that make you think, rest and rubbish ..... just look at that very young girls or boys, flooding youtube cabbage to become famous, to become papers ... tronista s etc. ... where mediocrity becomes the yardstick and the standard, making it the phrase "A prerequisite to success is mediocrity" are few dissident voices who raise their ideas and makes our floor and then level their mediocrity 0 . I'm tired of living in a country where gossip magazines become the oracle and set the standard course of mediocrity, where everyone must identify con la velina o altre figure, dove diventare famosi significa fare il proprio lavoro uno stacchetto o balletto, quindi si deve coronare la propria esistenza frequentando calciatori, imprenditori, armatori e quasi tutte figure sociali che finiscono in ...ori, per poi cambiare partner ogni 3 mesi. Le riviste di gossip che seguono regolarmente questi cambi, la identificano con «la ricerca dell'amore», invece nostra figlia che non è famosa... cambiasse ogni tre mesi un ragazzo altro non sarebbe agli occhi del quartiere come una poco di buono....
Si deve diventare famosi perché è il VECCHIO modo di pensare è radicato anche nei giovani (non tutti per fortuna) che alla fine sono vecchi... non hanno il coraggio di spezzare le catene the old way of thinking, because they have absolutely no idea what they want in life. It 'should not be so we must try to reason with our head, if it goes wrong try again.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Haunted Places Maryland Eastern Shore


Reading here and there among the international sites, I learned that the Wall Street Journal published an interesting article titled "Glaxo Tries to Linux Approach" that speaks of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, which has decided to put the result in chemical formulas of their drugs to combat and cure of malaria.

The major financial newspaper in the world, has commented on this article as the revolution took place almost 20 years ago operating system GNU / Linux. The WSJ
and Glaxo
