Ciao oggi installiamo JDownloader mediante i repository di Ubuntu 10.04.
So first a brief, what is "jdownloader, in a nutshell Eun program that runs under Java, so it's a java plugin that speeds up the absurd in a download of" anything "that is hosted on a server like rapidshare megaupload etc..
The beauty of this program that automatically recognizes the "CAPTCHA", those that appear designed alphanumeric characters on the screen. And there's more, if the archive to download is divided into several parts, the program will download one at a time, then scampatta automatically, practically we have only to point out what needs to jdownloader download the rest is done by him ... . Obviously the donwload speed is likely in a number of factors, your line asdl, scrodatevi di utilizzarlo in PTSN 56k, dal server se รจ molto trafficato.
Per conoscere meglio il programma, le sue funzioni ecc. cercate su google e troverete un mare di manuali ecc.
Ecco i comandi da digitare sul terminale ovviamente dovete essere online...
Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid e 9.10 Karmic:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jdownloader
Per Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 6A68F637 && sudo echo "deb jaunty main" -> Jdownloader, if not start quietly open the terminal and type $ jdownloader, wait a bit because it auto update and then the end will be operational.
for geeks like me here is the code to run it from terminal:
Local: / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Start java-jar-Xmx512m JDownloader.jar in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Execute: java-Xmx512m-jar-JDownloader.jar RFU in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader
strive and you will find the solution ..... cmq command is: java-jar-Xmx512m
JDownloader.jar but must be launched from the terminal in the folder on purpose ...... what ????? strive
If the system slows to a wrong configuration auto run this command from a terminal
sudo update-alternatives - config java
this is the screen viewing experience that appears, type 2 "manual mode "
There are two alternative choices for the java (which provides / usr / bin / java).
Path Selection Priority Status
------------------------------------------- -----------------
* 0 / automatic mode usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 1 / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 manual 2 / 63 usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java manual
some Screenshots here: 1:
The beauty of this program that automatically recognizes the "CAPTCHA", those that appear designed alphanumeric characters on the screen. And there's more, if the archive to download is divided into several parts, the program will download one at a time, then scampatta automatically, practically we have only to point out what needs to jdownloader download the rest is done by him ... . Obviously the donwload speed is likely in a number of factors, your line asdl, scrodatevi di utilizzarlo in PTSN 56k, dal server se รจ molto trafficato.
Per conoscere meglio il programma, le sue funzioni ecc. cercate su google e troverete un mare di manuali ecc.
Ecco i comandi da digitare sul terminale ovviamente dovete essere online...
Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid e 9.10 Karmic:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jdownloader
Per Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 6A68F637 && sudo echo "deb jaunty main" -> Jdownloader, if not start quietly open the terminal and type $ jdownloader, wait a bit because it auto update and then the end will be operational.
for geeks like me here is the code to run it from terminal:
Local: / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Start java-jar-Xmx512m JDownloader.jar in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Execute: java-Xmx512m-jar-JDownloader.jar RFU in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader
strive and you will find the solution ..... cmq command is: java-jar-Xmx512m
JDownloader.jar but must be launched from the terminal in the folder on purpose ...... what ????? strive
If the system slows to a wrong configuration auto run this command from a terminal
sudo update-alternatives - config java
this is the screen viewing experience that appears, type 2 "manual mode "
There are two alternative choices for the java (which provides / usr / bin / java).
Path Selection Priority Status
------------------------------------------- -----------------
* 0 / automatic mode usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 1 / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 manual 2 / 63 usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java manual
some Screenshots here: 1:
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