Chimneys Stalybridge - The sea has returned the land access to the Grotta di San Gregorio Taumaturgo With storms of recent days, the site is fully operational again. Be returned to the devotion of the faithful, to the ancient traditions of the community stalettese, scholarly exploration. But you take away the speculators.
Domenico Seasoned
the center of the "mythical" Gulf of Squillace, at one extreme of the coast of chimneys, open the "sea-green sea" Cave San Gregorio. Here, according to an A. ntichissima hagiographic legend, miraculously landed the relics of St. Gregory the Healer, the third century Church Father and patron of Stalybridge, a windswept town on the Ionian lofty peak, almost a ship at anchor ready to sail.
The Cave is the original place of worship of the Healer in the West, or at least its main symbolic center of irradiation after the flowering and spread in the Christian East. From the area of \u200b\u200bStalybridge, in fact, the cult of the San Gregorio Healer, as well as a partial distribution of his relics, has spread in several Italian towns, after reaching Spain, Portugal and Latin America from here thanks action of the Jesuits and the English viceroy at the time of colonial expansion in .
For many centuries, the relics are venerated in Stalettì Healer of the ancient Byzantine church dedicated to Saint, and always the cave is considered by Stalettesi a sacred place. Older people tell us, with devotion, processions from the Sanctuary of the Sea of \u200b\u200bCaminia Stalybridge, Into the Cave of the "miraculous" relics of the port, which at the time was accessible by land. An ancient tradition of interrupted an important phenomenon of coastal erosion, which for over forty years, had isolated the Grotta di San Gregorio, making it accessible only by sea.
But the ancient tradition of the population stalettese could flourish. The heavy storms of recent days have produced an extraordinary and unexpected phenomenon, returning the land access to the Grotto. Where deep rough surrounding rocks are now casts a beautiful wide beach at least 8-10 meters. An exceptional natural event, made even more remarkable by the coincidence with the project, now in the pipeline for some months, to restore the statue of the saint in procession to the i Nternal the cave with the help of a boat. The "coincidence" is truly amazing, but "through connections - supported the ancient Greeks - is manifested the will of the gods. "
hagiographic tradition of the Church of the East and West attributed to St. Gregory Taumaturgo miraculous powers, and among them to divert the water and move mountains. I'm not a miracle, I do not have the intention nor the competence, and the prodigious spectacle of nature beyond measure satisfies my need for enchantment. But on this occasion to recall the plot of an ancient past that makes this place, remote crossroads between East and West, one of the most charming of the whole Ionian coast of Calabria, you need to know ttolineare the size of the "gift" King stablished from the sea the people of our time. A sacred place, recognized as such even in the classical era, when the site of an enchanting beauty, had been dedicated to the god Vulcan.
Now this place is back fully operational. Be returned to the devotion of the faithful, to the ancient traditions of the local community, adding that the exploration of scholars. The cave may be a site of great historical and archaeological interest, and so far has been the subject of scientific investigation tification appropriate. Of course we must protect the cave from the appetites of wild speculators turn. I think it's already started the race for the hoarding of granting the "new" tratto di spiaggia, e magari qualcuno starà già pensando d’installare un chios co all’ingresso della Grotta per vendere bibite e gelati. Il territorio di Stalettì ha conosciuto in passato la speculazione più selvaggia, responsabile, con l’avvallo delle amministrazioni comunali del tempo, del saccheggio e della deturpazione del territorio. Almeno questa volta, la storia non si ripeta. RESTITUIAMO A QUESTO TERRA LA SUA ANIMA, E GIU’ LE MANI DALLA GROTTA!
Seguono due vedute dall’alto dell’ingresso alla Grotta di San Gregorio. Le foto sono dell’ing. Antonio Froio.
Before the storm
After the storm The ancient procession of San Gregorio Taumaturgo
Stalettì from the Grotto of Caminia
exit from the church of Stalybridge
Along the provincial Copanello
L'arrivo a Caminia
Davanti alla Grotta di San Gregorio a Caminia