Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wher Can I See A Blue Waffle

Sartaba (Alexandreion)

montgna The mysterious pyramid-shaped, on which lie the ruins of Sartaba stands out dramatically in the Jordan Valley to the east of the main road (No. 90).

Sartaba is mentioned in ancient Jewish sources as the second station from which the fire signals were transmitted from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem to announce the new moon in Babylon.

fact, standing on top of the mountain the view is breathtaking: low in the green valley of the Jordan with its modern industries which contrast with the surrounding desert, east of the beyond Jordan in the mountains of Moab and Gilead, to the west and north Samaria and Galilee.

Built in the 1st century BC by the Hasmonean king Alexander Janneo, a descendant of Judah Maccabee, was used by the Hasmonean Sartaba in their battles against the Romans. Later, Herod had two sons with his wife Hasmonean Mariamne (Herod had killed all three of them) were buried there.

the end of a really hard climb of about one kilometer, you can see the remains of huge water tanks, a Hasmonean wall collapsed following an earthquake, the drums of some heart-shaped columns terrace and part of the Herodian a system for collecting water.


See also: BikatHyarden1/ms1107.htm


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