(Source: http://medicinaefitoterapia.noiblogger.com)
Legumes namely, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans, are the seeds of plants belonging to the family of Papilionaceae and should be regarded a mine from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, for some populations legumes were the only alternative to meat and protein is also important to note that among these peoples, cardiovascular disease and cancer have never had a major impact as it unfortunately happens in most industrialized countries and carnivores . Recent studies have established that vegetables help to fight diabetes and obesity, and this is because legumes rise of just the glycemic peak, and also thanks to fiber, keep the gut active promoting regular bowel movements and thus a proper metabolism of sugars. Further studies have also shown that if the vegetables, especially organic ones, are included in the diet 3 or 4 times a week, it means reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease and many degenerative diseases and in menopausal women can also replace the hormones.
Many people give up eating beans because they complain of symptoms such as indigestion and bloating, in fact, if you do not follow a precise procedure for the preparation and cooking, the vegetables could generate stomach problems, bloating and flatulence. If you do not buy the beans already shelled, you must put the vegetables in water for 12-24 hours, that to soften the cuticle that covers the seed and at the same time also reduce cooking times. Place the beans in water also serves to disperse the antiviral substances such as phytic acid. Remember also that the soaking water should be changed at least 1-2 times and must never be used for cooking. Another recommendation is to not add salt or when the vegetables are put into water, either during cooking, because salt hardens the shell of the seed. To promote the digestibility add during cooking aromas digestive as bay leaf, rosemary, sage and fennel.
Let's see what are the actions that the vegetables on our body
* Chickpeas fight triglycerides: legumes, chickpeas are among the most calories, because they contain 6% fat, while the beans, peas and lentils it contains the 2% and 55% carbohydrates. Besides being rich in starch, vitamins and fatty acids, including linoleic acid, chickpeas also contain saponins, which are substances that help to eliminate triglycerides and cholesterol from the intestine, also contain a good percentage of cellulose, but beware Deev be consumed with care by all those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, in fact, chickpeas dibentano more digestible, as well as other legumes, they are private dall'involucro that surrounds them. *
beans lower the pressure these vegetables have a lower content of protein and to better assimilate the nutrients contained in the beans need to consume them together with pasta or rice. With this abbinamneto fact you get a protein and amino acids optimal. Recent studies on beans showed that regular consumption of this legume improves blood pressure and reduces weight in obese subjects. Before cooking the beans soak, following the same procedure that we have seen for chickpeas
* Soybeans you protects against breast cancer: soy beans (azuki) contain valuable antioxidants, isoflavones, a higher percentage than other legumes that are able to influence the processes of uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, especially hormone-dependent, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer. The recommended daily amount of soy beans to take advantage of the antitumor effect is 50 gr. Azuki beans are easily found in natural food stores. Please note: as most of the transgenic soybean in the market is, make sure that it is not genetically modified soybeans (GMO free), as would lose its effect. Soy is also used to prevent osteoporosis
* The beans clean up the colon: these legumes can be eaten fresh or dried, in which case it is advisable to eat natural, accompanied by bread and cheese, or roast can be cut in half, as you do with chestnuts . If dried beans are deprived of the seed coat is not necessary to soak it in water, then one gets a sweet puree that can be paired with bitter greens. If loe consume dry and the seed coat is necessary, before cuopcerle, soak the beans as we have seen. The proteins in beans are a good substitute for those animals and in addition, keep active intestinal peristalsis
* Lentils have an antioxidant effect: they are rich in sugar, protein, iron and copper. Legumes are more digestible and have a powerful antioxidant effect. You can buy and then dried before cooking should be put to soak in water with the same procedure of chickpeas, or jar, and in this case, before cooking, you have to wash them well under running water. Conclusions
Among the nutrients contained in vegetables are also essential fatty acids, vitamins, especially B group, minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus (valuable for the nervous system), calcium (necessary for bone health ) and lower percentages in iron and copper, which are important for sonop regenerate the blood and the metabolism of cells. Legumes are high energy foods, especially in the dry version, about 300 calories per 100 grams of product in the fresh version has fewer calories because they contain more water, fewer calories are among those beans (35 calories per 100 grams) and peas (75 calories per 100 grams), instead of chickpeas, which are a legume dry, worth 100 calories per 100 grams.
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