Monday, September 17, 2007

Toothpaste Marketshare


First day in Etruria. Together with Lorenzo Sganzini, director of the cultural network of Swiss Italian Radio and childbirth from Veii. We should go on foot but in reality we move from one site to another on a dell'Avis Ducato van. We are punished because an hour later the rear window exploded and we have to change half right. We think now that it is yet another mystery of Etruscan and maybe there is some curse that we ignore. We've just come from the sacred in fact dedicated to the goddess Menerva, in which the temple was found an eighty years ago the beautiful terra cotta statue of Apollo. After the sanctuary we go to places where Campetti are being entrusted to Professor Carandini's excavations of the University of Rome and a water area of \u200b\u200bworship. In short, a spa where they prayed and healed. Students tell us about someone in a votive inscription thanking Hercules and the waters have recovered from malaria. A few miles and we are in Ponte Sodo, one of the most romantic places in Italy, a stream that enters a tunnel dug 70 meters of tuff by Veientana more than 2500 years ago. And then the Acropolis, the walls of the citadel, the tomb of the founder, the first master plan for the world. Accompanied by the Director of the Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia Francesca Boitani and our expert, etruscologi Giuseppe Della Fina, we finish the day with a strong emotion. We enter the last tomb discovered in the area, a tomb incredible, the most ancient Etruscan tomb paintings, four roaring lions and many ducks. Colorful designs and beautiful and the feeling of seeing things that nobody so far can see. A tomb discovered by police after a sorry grave robbers had indicated the location of the court to obtain a more lenient sentence. All for today. Tomorrow Cerveteri. (CSF)

replay the first episode.


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