Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wher Can I See A Blue Waffle

Sartaba (Alexandreion)

montgna The mysterious pyramid-shaped, on which lie the ruins of Sartaba stands out dramatically in the Jordan Valley to the east of the main road (No. 90).

Sartaba is mentioned in ancient Jewish sources as the second station from which the fire signals were transmitted from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem to announce the new moon in Babylon.

fact, standing on top of the mountain the view is breathtaking: low in the green valley of the Jordan with its modern industries which contrast with the surrounding desert, east of the beyond Jordan in the mountains of Moab and Gilead, to the west and north Samaria and Galilee.

Built in the 1st century BC by the Hasmonean king Alexander Janneo, a descendant of Judah Maccabee, was used by the Hasmonean Sartaba in their battles against the Romans. Later, Herod had two sons with his wife Hasmonean Mariamne (Herod had killed all three of them) were buried there.

the end of a really hard climb of about one kilometer, you can see the remains of huge water tanks, a Hasmonean wall collapsed following an earthquake, the drums of some heart-shaped columns terrace and part of the Herodian a system for collecting water.


See also: BikatHyarden1/ms1107.htm

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Is The Prayer Of The Faithful Reading?

"touch". Easter in Jerusalem

Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Hang Closet Rod On Wall

Christmas Greetings 2010

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Isight Not Working Oovoo

The feast of St. Gregory the Healer in Moscow - November 2010

Un video documenta, per la prima volta in Occidente, la celebrazione della festa del Taumaturgo a Mosca, nella più bella chiesa al mondo dedicata al Vescovo di Neocesarea.

di Domenico Condito

Oggi la Chiesa celebra la Solennità dell'Immacolata Concezione della beata Vergine Maria. Alla stessa circostanza è legata la stesura finale di uno degli studi più importanti sul “Simbolo” [1] , o “Esposizione della Fede”, che la Tradizione attribuisce a San Gregorio Taumaturgo. It was December 8, 1928 when his father Leon Froidevaux signed at Versailles, "en la fête de l'Immaculate Conception de la Sainte Vierge," the essay titled "Symbole de Saint Grégiore the Thaumaturgo" (which was published in Recherches de Science Religieuse, 19 (1929), 193-247). The choice was not random. According to a tradition reported by Gregory of Nyssa in the "Life of St. Gregory the Healer," the bishop of Neocaesarea he composed the "symbol" in a vision, at which the Madonna was in charge of San Giovanni Evangelista instruct the Healer on the mystery of the Trinity . This is the first officially recognized Marian apparition by the Church.
Today, December 8, 2010, more modestly, I decided to put online a video documenting for the first time in the West, the celebration of the feast of St. Gregory the Healer in Moscow, in the most beautiful church in the world dedicated to Santo. This is the main place of worship consecrated to the Holy Bishop of Neocaesarea in the Orthodox world.
The original church of wood, was built by Grand Prince Vasily II, around the middle of the fifteenth century, in gratitude for the miraculous deliverance from captivity tartar. The present building dates from the seventeenth century and was built by Tsar Alexis I. The church was christened Peter the Great, Emperor of All Russia.
confiscated by the communist regime, which used to make the sacred building of offices, the church was restored and returned to the cult in 1990, thanks to the intervention of His Holiness Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, who died in 2008. Alexy II was particularly devoted to St. Gregory the Healer, and almost every year on the feast of the saint, went to his church for the celebration of Divine Liturgy.
always in the hearts of Muscovites, the church of San Gregorio Healer has always mirrored the history of the city of Moscow itself remains marked by the tragedies, the contradictions, the joys and the deepest aspirations that have paved the way over the centuries. Only yesterday, the symbol of the barbarous violation of the soul of the city, the church of the Healer today lives as an expression of bright sign of hope and redemption.
In the new calendar of the Russian Orthodox Church marks the feast of St. Gregory Taumaturgo November 30 (the Catholic Church maintain the ancient celebration of the Nov. 17).

To make the video I used pictures that relate to the liturgical celebrations of the festival this year, for which I thank Bishop Girolamo, Rector of the church of San Gregorio Healer in Moscow, and the photographer Guri Balayants.

I dedicate this video to my fellow citizens of Stalybridge, the Calabrian ionic center that for many centuries venerated as the Patron Saint Gregory the Healer, the Franciscan Friars of the Franciscan Order who lovingly preserve the relics in the ancient Byzantine church to the saint, the parish priest, Father Robert Corapi.

[1] This is one of the most popular exhibitions of the ancient doctrine of the Trinity of Christianity.

For the history of the church: Domenico Seasoned, The church of San Gregorio Taumaturgo in Moscow, Milan, 2008, 17 p.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Rockman Stream Subbed Stream


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Linsey Dawn Mckenzie 16 Year Old

Chimneys Stalybridge - The sea has returned the land access to the Grotta di San Gregorio Taumaturgo

With storms of recent days, the site is fully operational again. Be returned to the devotion of the faithful, to the ancient traditions of the community stalettese, scholarly exploration. But you take away the speculators.

Domenico Seasoned

the center of the "mythical" Gulf of Squillace, at one extreme of the coast of chimneys, open the "sea-green sea" Cave San Gregorio. Here, according to an A. ntichissima hagiographic legend, miraculously landed the relics of St. Gregory the Healer, the third century Church Father and patron of Stalybridge, a windswept town on the Ionian lofty peak, almost a ship at anchor ready to sail.
The Cave is the original place of worship of the Healer in the West, or at least its main symbolic center of irradiation after the flowering and spread in the Christian East. From the area of \u200b\u200bStalybridge, in fact, the cult of the San Gregorio
Healer, as well as a partial distribution of his relics, has spread in several Italian towns, after reaching Spain, Portugal and Latin America from here thanks action of the Jesuits and the English viceroy at the time of colonial expansion in .
For many centuries, the relics are venerated in Stalettì Healer of the ancient Byzantine church dedicated to Saint, and always the cave is considered by Stalettesi a sacred place. Older people tell us, with devotion, processions from the Sanctuary of the Sea of \u200b\u200bCaminia Stalybridge, Into the Cave of the "miraculous" relics of the port, which at the time was accessible by land. An ancient tradition of interrupted
an important phenomenon of coastal erosion, which for over forty years, had isolated the Grotta di San Gregorio, making it accessible only by sea.
But the ancient tradition of the population stalettese could flourish. The heavy storms of recent days have produced an extraordinary and unexpected phenomenon, returning the land access to the Grotto. Where deep rough surrounding rocks are now casts a beautiful wide beach at least 8-10 meters. An exceptional natural event, made even more remarkable by the coincidence with the project, now in the pipeline for some months, to restore the statue of the saint in procession to the i
Nternal the cave with the help of a boat. The "coincidence" is truly amazing, but "through connections - supported the ancient Greeks - is manifested the will of the gods. "
hagiographic tradition of the Church of the East and West
attributed to St. Gregory Taumaturgo miraculous powers, and among them to divert the water and move mountains. I'm not a miracle, I do not have the intention nor the competence, and the prodigious spectacle of nature beyond measure satisfies my need for enchantment. But on this occasion to recall the plot of an ancient past that makes this place, remote crossroads between East and West, one of the most charming of the whole Ionian coast of Calabria, you need to know ttolineare the size of the "gift" King stablished from the sea the people of our time. A sacred place, recognized as such even in the classical era, when the site of an enchanting beauty, had been dedicated to the god Vulcan.
Now this place is back fully operational. Be returned to the devotion of the faithful, to the ancient traditions of the local community, adding that the exploration of scholars. The cave may be a site of great historical and archaeological interest, and so far has been the subject of scientific investigation
tification appropriate. Of course we must protect the cave from the appetites of wild speculators turn. I think it's already started the race for the hoarding of granting the "new" tratto di spiaggia, e magari qualcuno starà già pensando d’installare un chios co all’ingresso della Grotta per vendere bibite e gelati. Il territorio di Stalettì ha conosciuto in passato la speculazione più selvaggia, responsabile, con l’avvallo delle amministrazioni comunali del tempo, del saccheggio e della deturpazione del territorio. Almeno questa volta, la storia non si ripeta. RESTITUIAMO A QUESTO TERRA LA SUA ANIMA, E GIU’ LE MANI DALLA GROTTA!

Seguono due vedute dall’alto dell’ingresso alla Grotta di San Gregorio. Le foto sono dell’ing. Antonio Froio.

Before the storm

After the storm

The ancient procession of San Gregorio Taumaturgo
Stalettì from the Grotto of Caminia

exit from the church of Stalybridge

Along the provincial Copanello

L'arrivo a Caminia

Davanti alla Grotta di San Gregorio a Caminia

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Happens When Someone Is In A Coma

Imperial history of the Middle East

Not that it is closely related to the desert, but this little video is very informative!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My Kitten Has A Belly


Un celebre scienziato, professore di Biopsicologia presso l'università di Albany, Gordon Gallup, in uno studio recentemente pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista scientifica "
Evolutionary Psychology " ha rivelato come per le donne il bacio rappresenti - inconsapevolmente - la prova tangibile per valutare quanto un partner sia biologicamente valido al fine della procreazione. Il discorso è ovviamente più articolato di così e, per dirla con le parole dello stesso Prof. Gallup: " contatto tra le labbra dei partner mette in moto una elaborata serie di meccanismi di analisi di cui nemmeno ci rendiamo conto, salvo poi avere il risultato finale di questa analisi sotto form of emotion, positive or negative. It all starts with the saliva, which contains cells of the human body: they are in contact and are then analyzed by receptors in taste, smell and touch. The receptor, thus stimulated, send e-mail obtained by the kiss to the brain which, if it finds harmony, immediately says to the hormonal system to activate and create a state of pleasure, which is always returned by the kiss. The mechanism is more complex than we think, partly because men and women use the kiss for different reasons: the woman kisses "to the compatibility of the genetic code in view of possible long-term relationship, aimed at having children stronger and healthier, "while men" use to seduce essentially the kiss and less is done to understand how the other person. "In fact, women" shows more of like the kiss of those who have a genetic profile different because Thanks to their maternal instinct, they know that an increased exchange of genes ensures better health for children that may arise in that pair.
short, even in a "simple" kiss emerge apparentemenmte deep and insurmountable differences between men and women, to make us think at times, but how is it possible that so different beings are destined to join?
The answer is not simple and let your individual reflection!
However, for those wishing to explore this and other topics biopsychological, here is the link for you:

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unlocking Dvd Sony Dvp-sr200p

motorway to the prehistory

a Segnalo Alberto Stabile article appeared in "La Repubblica"

Monday, November 1, 2010

Congratulate Friend's Wedding


I wanted to write an article that reflects some 'interest and curiosity of all "non-professionals" who follow my blog and my Facebook page: I asked what it was, among a range of subjects eligible candidates, that would have aroused the most interest. The responses received have directed the choice of "The Secret Life of Thoughts" - negative - I add, because in fact we like positive thoughts and make us feel good and, after all, their "secret life" it matters little compared to that instead of the thoughts that make us feel bad, that bother us, and who often end up sabotaging our own well being.
But what are the "negative thoughts"? What are they? And above all, because even though they are so damaging continue to be part of our days (and nights of ...) endangering our peace and our faith in ourselves?
Here is a set of cognitive attitudes which arise from negative thoughts and much of that inner dialogue that makes us feel inadequate, preventing us to act calmly and can cause discomfort and malaise:

Considerare se stessi come meno validi, meno in gamba, meno capaci, meno divertenti, attraenti o piacevoli della maggior parte delle persone con cui ci si confronta. Inoltre, frequentemente le persone affette da depressione tendono a focalizzare l’attenzione – anche nel ricordare – su episodi in cui si sono sentiti non accettati, non apprezzati o non all’altezza e su persone che sono di maggior successo di loro. Nel tempo, questa modalità di pensiero o se vogliamo, questa attenzione focalizzata, porta a considerarsi privi di valore e di attrattive fino a concludere non soltanto di meritare malessere e punizioni ma anche che gli altri starebbero certamente meglio senza di noi. Pensieri rappresentativi This attitude is cognitive: "I'll never be as good as ..." "I'm not worth anything," "are a failure," "I only do damage," etc., etc. ...
 self-criticism, self-condemnation
characterized by a tendency to focus on their misconduct and mistakes by overestimating the value and importance, or the tendency to devalue their actions always thinking that you could do better or more without, give weight to what was done rather well. This attitude brings with it a consequence of not less harmful: the habit of considering as undeserved happy events and successes. These attitudes are frequently associated with excessive and unrealistic expectations about the goodness and perfection of its performance, thus creating a vicious circle in which excessive expectations by their nature can not
The paradigm of this is simple:
a clear example of this are thoughts like: "I had to do better," "I did not do enough", "I have not been up to," "my fault" or "not on this success, "" is not my doing, 'etc. etc..
The tendency to generalize the unpleasant events thinking that all it is, everything that goes wrong and to be victims of a tragedy, a typical thought is I should be all wrong. " Or take a defeatist attitude and catastrophic as a result of minor setbacks or disappointed expectations. 
This is the trend - often not at all realistic - to consider the future as a harbinger of bad luck and unfortunate events that the person will certainly not be able to cope. They consider the thoughts that lead to unpleasant feelings and the difficulties of life as unbeatable and destined to perpetuate forever. The individual is likely to resign themselves to unhappiness as well, considering inevitable and will tend to repeat that it is useless to try to make things better (liabilities learned). 
overestimation of DIFFICULTIES '/ underestimation of the OWN CAPACITY'
This form of cognitive distortion usually belongs to the anxious people but is also common in people with depression, the individual tends to overestimate the difficulties, while underestimating their ability to cope to act and to influence events. Hence the overwhelming feeling of not being able to meet the commitments to the difficulties in the future. These concerns can be accompanied, in cases particularly intense, with sensations of nausea, tachycardia, headache and dizziness.

These attitudes are cognitive in their full expression, the cognitive structure of individuals suffering from depression, in fact, it prevails the tendency to evaluate oneself negatively, events and the future.
But such thoughts can also - albeit in a biased and inconsistent - to provide our common way of "feeling" and to view ourselves and the events, especially in times of stress, distress or mental fatigue or stress conditions psycho-physical , worsening our mood and thereby preventing him from re-emerging from a difficult time and get to work in a constructive manner.

E 'therefore very important to learn to recognize and recognize their destructive effects!

But before presenting some simple techniques, you need a little preamble, which is the answer to the question: Why

, although they are both harmful and painful, these thoughts continue to arise?
The first step, as it may seem obvious, it is very simple but fundamental:
RECOGNIZE negative thoughts that influence our inner dialogue : So learn to be careful whenever they appear in your inner dialogue phrases like "I'll not ever," "Do not match", "have failed", "is all my fault," "I've got it all wrong," "I'll never learn," "I will never be equal", "everything goes to hell," " Only I will remain / a, "" I do not deserve the compliment-success "and so on.
monitor and evaluate their thoughts is to judge the reliability and credibility by identifying both the evidence that support the truth and those that disprove them. For example, the negative statement "I did not combined at all" when in fact just half of a lavoro è stata fatta, può essere sostituita con: “ho già fatto metà del lavoro!”. Questa semplice e ragionevole tecnica permette di ridurre il disagio emotivo contrapponendo all’irrazionalità dei pensieri automatici negativi una serie di pensieri più realistici e funzionali. Il limite di questa tecnica è che da sola non rende meno frequenti i pensieri automatici negativi inoltre dimostra che un po’ li crediamo veri, altrimenti nemmeno li prenderemmo in considerazione.
SOSTITUIRLI CON PENSIERI POSITIVI Questa strategia consiste nel sostituire i pensieri negativi ogni volta che essi si presentano automaticamente, con una serie di pensieri positivi altrettanto realistici e verosimili. You must have patience and learn to tolerate the dissonance created by the initial lack of habit to think positive things and you will see that after a bit 'of time, positive thoughts will join automatically and effortlessly in your daily inner dialogue. This will bring a great benefit. The limit of this technique is that often people do not easily replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, because they consider the first far more real and true than the latter.
ACCEPTANCE AND DISCRIMINATION OF NEGATIVE intrusive thoughts is to observe passively ignore or intrusive thoughts without giving them any emotional value or truth. It is one of effective techniques, along with discrimination when you are in the presence of ruminations from obsessive-compulsive disorder. But in this case is highly recommended to seek the help of an expert.

Finally we always present a great truth: We can not control

However, as taught by the ancient Buddhist tradition, a very wise thing we can do for our well-being is to start re-understand the harmful and negative thoughts and let them run away ... trying to give them little importance, recognizing the illusory and transient nature.

If you want to delve into this topic, scrivetemi al mio indirizzo di posta elettronica.

Buona vita!

Cael Sanderson 1.0 Wrestling Shoes


Hello everyone ... is a bit not posted, but here I am ....

Then you'll notice that Ubuntu is released 10.10, and are gay have been problems ....

  1. wifi .... Haaaaaaa a real scourge for ubuntu, if you have usb wifi card with Realteck chipset, Ralink, Intel, all right are supported, others are of the "biblical plagues;
  2. I have a Nvidia 9800 GT video card 1GB, avoid installing the ' latest drivers offered by Ubuntu, the plan;
  3. If
  4. you have a multi-core AMD and especially more than 4 GB of ram, install 64-bit version only, 32 with the PAE kernel is much slower and unstable
  5. navigation with Firefox and other browsers SLOW AND EXCEPT THAT ON GOOGLE. here's what you do: Set the DNS to manual mode, open the terminal and give these commands
     sudo chattr-i / etc / resolv.conf nameserver 
    sudo echo> / etc / resolv.conf sudo echo nameserver
    8.8 .4.4>> / etc / resolv.conf
    sudo chattr + i / etc / resolv.conf "
  6. the second command" sudo echo nameserver> / etc / resolv.conf "there will returned bell'errore like "you can not make changes and so on." ; Always do so from a terminal type "sudo gedit / etc / resolv.conf" from notepad gedit add these suffixes
    nameserver nameserver Save and close. Reboot and you will find that navigation is very fluid and veolce +.

Now notes good, and very fast 32-bit Ubuntu, 64 bit is a missile, is technically stable +, the kernel is in my "Linux luca64-desktop 2.6.35-23-36-generic # Ubuntu x86_64 GNU / Linux "is a fable, but in order to understand the problem that haunts me in boot black screen + 30 seconds of waiting for an elusive term k10, della cpu, per poi arrivare al GDM, era la versione 32 bit che collimava con l'architettura della cpu a 64bit. Quindi installato Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit tutto rientra nella norma.

Per ora è tutto, la linea torna allo studio hahahaha.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Whatever Became Of Long Dong Silver

And in ten years you will?

Certo è vero, chi ha fatto questo ci ha lavorato sicuramente molto....
Comunque utilizzando in normalissimo PC, con i software giusti, ovviamente commerciali, e tanta pazienza e sopratutto passione, si può arrivare a questo.

Godetevi questo video scovato su Youtube.

Alla prossima


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Staffing Cover Letters


In the fall of 2005, the Dalai Lama gave the inaugural Dialogues between Neuroscience and Society lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, DC. There were over 30,000 neuroscientists registered for the meeting, and it seemed as if most of them attended the talk. The Dalai Lama’s address was designed to highlight the areas of convergence between neuroscience and Buddhist thought about the mind, and to many in the audience he clearly achieved his objective. There was some controversy over his being invited to deliver this lecture insofar as he is both a head of state and a religious leader, and for that reason he largely stuck to his prepared text.
But he strayed from the text at least once, reminding the audience that not only was he a Buddhist monk but also an enthusiastic proponent of modern technology.
Elaborating, he shared a confidence with the audience, telling the audience of scientists that meditating was hard work for him (even though he meditates for 4 hours every morning), and that if neuroscientists were able to find a way to put electrodes in his brain and provide him with the same outcome as he gets from meditating, he would be an enthusiastic volunteer. It turns out that a recent set of experiments, from researchers at MIT and Stanford, moves us a step closer to making his wish a reality.

The Dalai Lama’s interest in neuroscience has been reciprocated by at least some members of the neuroscience community. Reasoning that studying the brains of people who meditate might lead to novel insights about the human brain, investigations of long-term meditators has been fertile ground for scientific investigation, with some of the more rigorous work emerging from Richard Davidson’s laboratory at the University of Wisconsin. From the perspective of neuroscience, meditation can be characterized as a series of mental exercises by which one strengthens one’s control over the workings of their own brain. The simplest of these meditation practices is ‘focused attention’ where one concentrates on a single object, for example one’s breath. When expert meditators practiced focused attention meditation, demonstrable changes were seen using fMRI in the networks of the brain that are known to modulate attention. A second set of experiments studied long-term meditators practicing ‘open monitoring meditation’, a more advanced meditation practice which in many ways is a form of metacognition: the objective is not to focus one’s attention but rather to use one’s brain to monitor the universe of mental experience without directing attention to any one task. The unexpected result of this experiment was that the EEG of long-term meditators exhibited much more gamma-synchrony than that of naive meditators. Moreover, normally human brains produce only short bursts of gamma-synchrony. What was most remarkable about this study was that long-term meditators were able to produce sustained gamma-activity in a manner that had never previously been observed in any other human. As such, sustained gamma activity has emerged as a proxy for at least some aspects of the meditative state.

Gamma Waves
But what causes gamma rhythm? And are there any potential benefits of sustained gamma-activity? The strongest hypothesis for the cellular mechanisms underlying generation of the gamma rhythm is that it is due to the activation of fast-spiking interneurons in the cerebral cortex. In two new papers to be published in Nature, the laboratories of Christopher Moore and Li-Huei Tsai at MIT and Karl Deisseroth at Stanford tested this hypothesis directly. The experimenters utilized optogenetics, developing custom-designed viruses to infect only the fast-spiking interneurons of either the prefrontal or barrel cortex in mice with genetically engineered, light-sensitive cation channels. Then, they inserted fine optical fibers into the relevant region of the cortex, allowing light to be delivered to the infected neurons and thereby activating only the fast-spiking interneurons. (In essence, this allowed them to switch particular brain cells on and off.) In both experiments, selectively stimulating the fast-spiking interneurons evoked gamma oscillations, thereby confirming the hypothesis that these neurons drive the gamma rhythm.
(source: "The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education" - Stanford)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Best Running Shoe For Heavy Runners

TIRES: something more objective to evaluate them finally

Dinamometro arrivato ...ora sto costruendo un marchingegno per misurare tutta la curva di carico e di scarico (è lungo 2 metri, varie carrucole per demoltiplicare lo sforzo, piccolo sistema a paranco per trazionare l'elastico, ecc...) e mia moglie è proprio contenta di averlo per casa

...e anche un software in grado di valutare i risultati delle gomme testate sul proprio fucile o in ipotetici fucili da costruire che siano monogomma, plurigomma o rollergun sino ad un massimo di 3 coppie di gomme (che ovviamente possono essere anche di mescola e diametri differenti, stirate a fattori differenti e anche lavorare qualcuna in modalità classica e qualcuna in modalità roller, tensionato o non tensionato). Tra l'altro non dovete neppure informare voi il software se trattasi di gomma utilizzata in configurazione mono, roller classico o tensionato, sarà in grado di riconoscerlo da sé.

Il software sul quale ho già lavorato anche in mancanza di un database relativo agli elastomeri è davvero semplice ed intuitivo, alla portata di tutti e suggerisce anche l'asta da utilizzare (questo consiglio deriva però da un algoritmo personale basato su una valutazione personale quindi da considerare un consiglio non oggettivo ma soggettivo):

software che inizialmente utilizzerò per le mie sperimentazioni e che sono indeciso se rendere pubblico questo sto ancora riflettendo.

Quello che metterò certamente pubblico saranno i risultati dei test sui vari elastomeri in modo da condividerne efficenza e valori di isteresi.

Ovviamente l'analisi la farò per le gomme che ho in casa o quegli spezzoni (22cm) che eventualmente qualche utente decidesse di mandarmi per essere testato ...purché si tratti di porzioni di gomma nuove.

I test eseguiti su partite diverse dello stesso elamestero saranno anche interessanti per capire la qualità della lavorazione nel riprodurre con più costanza possibile elastici che assicurino ripetibilità di prestazioni: e non verrà solo analizzato semplicemente il carico ma soprattutto l'integrale di scarico dopo un periodo di tensione per valutare energy returned.

Something that will put an end to mere personal impressions about the performance of a tire ... finally something objective and measured

I hope will be a welcome and useful work for all a database available with all results of these tests and that will require, in addition to much time on my part, as well as a lot of patience from my wife, even the availability of those who have the curiosity to know the performance of their tires prefer to send a small surplus (22cm. .. again!) ... 22cm stems from the fact that each test will be done on wheels: 20cm long by tying a ligature and measures are taken, the load in kg per 5 cm of extension and contraction (and am not as few measurements)


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Black People With Ear Gauges

La stanza di Piero / Corriere Fiorentino

The history of Italy that intertwines with that of twenty-six generations of winemaking in transforming the art, respect for the balance between land and heritage. A patrician
baggage that the Marchese Piero Antinori, 2010 Cortonantiquaria award carries with pride and simplicity, the beautiful things which always are used to surround and to share the occasion with an exhibition side, the result of a relationship between Cortona and the Antinori family for over 250 years. When Gaetano Antinori, a statesman and scholar, held the office of the Etruscan Academy Lucumone after 1755.
Cortona Cortona rewards Antinori Antinori and rewards ...
"It is an extraordinary city and I'm honored by this award, the result of a strong relationship over the past fifteen years."
How important are the roots of its success and that of the Antinori family?
'roots, tradition, history plays an important role in anyone, especially in the agricultural and wine through the transmission of core values \u200b\u200bfrom generation to generation. In our case, four of them: passion, patience, perseverance and perfection. The passion for the product. The patient not to take shortcuts and do not compromise, that the chromosomes in twenty-six generations help. Perseverance to not be discouraged the first difficulty, in our work in a frost or a hail spring to late summer, may damage the entire crop. Perfection, or, not being of this world, always trying to improve. Values \u200b\u200bthat are passed down from father to son, also combining a healthy dose of courage and innovation technology. "
What is your relationship with this area?
"Important, because it has become a benchmark for winemaking, bottling and aging wine and not linked to the terroir, not forgetting the scenic value, cultural and historic area of \u200b\u200bCortona."
For visitors will be a little 'peep as in the home and in the history of his family, what they see and what they can imagine?
"They can imagine the air you breathe in a Renaissance palace, when Florence and Tuscany were the cultural and financial center of civilized world, along with the love of beauty. Just the entrepreneurial dynamism and economic prosperity have been the major thrust for cultural development, financing the great artists of the time. "
Antinori What is art for?
"We were lucky enough to live in a city like Florence, the heart of Tuscany, where he breathes a balance and a sense of aesthetics that mark you forever. Art is in the works, culture, urbanism and nature, even in the hills shaped by man. All of this expresses a harmony in the world c'invidiano and which is also reflected in our wines. "
Which is more fond of her?
"At Tignanello, because it represents a turning point in enology, marking the transition from quantity to quality. Embodies the renaissance of our wine. "
who organized the exhibition was more concerned about the affective value of the exhibits that the economy, it is the same for you?
"For us it is a privilege available to the public a glimpse of what our ancestors have built and put together a century after century. " Representing
twenty-six generations is a boast or a burden?
"A pride and a burden to bear willingly. The idea is that each generation brings its contribution and I'll try to do the same by sending these principles in future, one already in operation and another in preparation, each according to its historical period, the personal ambition and talent. "
The Antinori family is associated with the concept of Tuscany, outside the Palace still exists and, especially, can be considered a value?
"Today more than yesterday. The charm Tuscany in the world who does not have it any other region. Just think, over Florence, Siena, Cortona, Montepulciano, San Gimignano, to name a few. The treasures of art, history, culture and landscape that case are unique and are an expression of beauty, a unique balance and harmony. Each of us is enriched and brought along this positive background of sensitivity and openness to all that is beautiful, not everyone is lucky enough to metabolize since childhood such a perception. That is, Tuscany is a great and irreplaceable asset. "
Tuscany, such as the country moves back in front of the international crisis of losing parts industry ma continuando a resistere sul territorio, è questo il nostro futuro?
«Salvo alcune eccezioni credo che la Toscana non sia una regione per industrie pesanti. Viviamo un momento di trasformazione da cui nascerà un’altra Toscana, ma non possiamo pensare di vivere solo di turismo e prodotti agricoli d’eccellenza. Questa regione ha le caratteristiche per diventare luogo di ricerca e innovazione, soprattutto in settori d’avanguardia come, per esempio, il medicale e il bioteconologico».
Il premio Cortonantiquaria 2010 è un premio alla carriera, che ha seguito da una parte le direttrici del coraggio e dell’innovazione, dall’altra della tradizione e del rispetto del patrimonio storico. Beyond the state of the art, what is your next project?
"The award is given symbolically to a person, but behind this there is a family person and there are employees, so it's still most coveted and appreciated. Although there is a specific project, an incentive to relocate in the next 26 generations what they did before the twenty-six. "

Friday, August 27, 2010

Paparazzi Favorite Camera

voice and video chat from Google.

the first day of inauguration, had a million connections to the new VoIP service from Google, which is incorporated in our Gmail inbox, it is activated by installing a plugin which can be downloaded HERE for happy users of GNU / Linux in my case Ubuntu will ask to install links to the file "google- talkplugin_current_i386.deb "

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What Is The Best Prosumer Camcorder In Fall 2010?

in 2011 under the banner of the narwhal

for Ubuntu Mark Shuttleworth has announced the code name for the new release, in fact directly from the lines in your blog, announced il nome del rilascio che vedrà la luce ad Aprile 2011: Ubuntu 11.04 sarà "Natty Narwhal".

Fonte Ultime notizie Ubuntu

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Donating Plasma In Orange County

Our co-workers not are like your co-workers: Intel

Quelli che si vedono sono veramente Ingegneri o Sistemisti

How To Delete An Email On Facebook

Sponsors of Tomorrow "Walter" Intel Sponsors of Tomorrow

Troppo bello.... qui in Italia, stiamo a pensare al passato al vecchio si si continuiamo

Cute Dresses For Bar Mitzvahs

jdownloader Ubuntu repository via

Ciao oggi installiamo JDownloader mediante i repository di Ubuntu 10.04.
So first a brief, what is "jdownloader, in a nutshell Eun program that runs under Java, so it's a java plugin that speeds up the absurd in a download of" anything "that is hosted on a server like rapidshare megaupload etc..
The beauty of this program that automatically recognizes the "CAPTCHA", those that appear designed alphanumeric characters on the screen. And there's more, if the archive to download is divided into several parts, the program will download one at a time, then scampatta automatically, practically we have only to point out what needs to jdownloader download the rest is done by him ... . Obviously the donwload speed is likely in a number of factors, your line asdl, scrodatevi di utilizzarlo in PTSN 56k, dal server se è molto trafficato.
Per conoscere meglio il programma, le sue funzioni ecc. cercate su google e troverete un mare di manuali ecc.

Ecco i comandi da digitare sul terminale ovviamente dovete essere online...

Per Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid e 9.10 Karmic:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install jdownloader

Per Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty :
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 6A68F637 && sudo echo "deb jaunty main" -> Jdownloader, if not start quietly open the terminal and type $ jdownloader, wait a bit because it auto update and then the end will be operational.

for geeks like me here is the code to run it from terminal:

Local: / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Start java-jar-Xmx512m JDownloader.jar in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader Execute: java-Xmx512m-jar-JDownloader.jar RFU in / home / lucalinux / .jdownloader
strive and you will find the solution ..... cmq command is: java-jar-Xmx512m
JDownloader.jar but must be launched from the terminal in the folder on purpose ...... what ????? strive

If the system slows to a wrong configuration auto run this command from a terminal

sudo update-alternatives - config java

this is the screen viewing experience that appears, type 2 "manual mode "

There are two alternative choices for the java (which provides / usr / bin / java).

Path Selection Priority Status
------------------------------------------- -----------------
* 0 / automatic mode usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 1 / usr / lib / jvm / java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java 1061 manual 2 / 63 usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java manual

some Screenshots here: 1:



Saturday, August 21, 2010

How To Make A Diaper Carriage

We are young in the old country for old men. Effect

ARE TIRED OF LIVING SURROUNDED BY OLD ...... Just take a look at the international scene, just us prisoners in a FACT OF OLD COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN ONLY. Seventies and eighties who decide what to do, see, live, think .... and the world, which fortunately is not so much old looks at us and prevents us .....

Now just think about youtube, there are few guys who post videos that make you think, rest and rubbish ..... just look at that very young girls or boys, flooding youtube cabbage to become famous, to become papers ... tronista s etc. ... where mediocrity becomes the yardstick and the standard, making it the phrase "A prerequisite to success is mediocrity" are few dissident voices who raise their ideas and makes our floor and then level their mediocrity 0 . I'm tired of living in a country where gossip magazines become the oracle and set the standard course of mediocrity, where everyone must identify con la velina o altre figure, dove diventare famosi significa fare il proprio lavoro uno stacchetto o balletto, quindi si deve coronare la propria esistenza frequentando calciatori, imprenditori, armatori e quasi tutte figure sociali che finiscono in ...ori, per poi cambiare partner ogni 3 mesi. Le riviste di gossip che seguono regolarmente questi cambi, la identificano con «la ricerca dell'amore», invece nostra figlia che non è famosa... cambiasse ogni tre mesi un ragazzo altro non sarebbe agli occhi del quartiere come una poco di buono....
Si deve diventare famosi perché è il VECCHIO modo di pensare è radicato anche nei giovani (non tutti per fortuna) che alla fine sono vecchi... non hanno il coraggio di spezzare le catene the old way of thinking, because they have absolutely no idea what they want in life. It 'should not be so we must try to reason with our head, if it goes wrong try again.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Haunted Places Maryland Eastern Shore


Reading here and there among the international sites, I learned that the Wall Street Journal published an interesting article titled "Glaxo Tries to Linux Approach" that speaks of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, which has decided to put the result in chemical formulas of their drugs to combat and cure of malaria.

The major financial newspaper in the world, has commented on this article as the revolution took place almost 20 years ago operating system GNU / Linux. The WSJ
and Glaxo


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Psalm 121 - שיר למעלות

[1] A song of ascents.
lift up my eyes to the hills
where does my help come?
[2] My help comes from the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.
[3] He will not let your foot
not fall asleep on your guard.
[4] Do not fall asleep, do not take sleep
the guardian of Israel.
[5] The Lord is your keeper,
the Lord is your shade, and
is on your right.
[6] During the day the sun shall not smite you,
nor the moon by night.
[7] The Lord will protect you from all evil,
he will guard your life.
[8] The Lord will guard your going out and coming,
now and forever.

[a] virtues song I lift my eyes to the mountains where import aids. [b] help comes from the Lord Made heaven and earth. [c] Do not let your foot rod to the central slumber. [d] is not slumber nor sleep saver Israel. [the] the central Lord Jehovah shadow on the right hand. [and] Ichachah day and the sun not the moon by night. [ז] יְהוָה יִשְׁמָרְךָ מִכָּל רָע יִשְׁמֹר אֶת נַפְשֶׁךָ. [ח] יְהוָה יִשְׁמָר צֵאתְךָ וּבוֹאֶךָ מֵעַתָּה וְעַד עוֹלָם

Saturday, July 10, 2010

7 Weeks Hiv Antibody Test Conclusiveness

Quadno I am old I will enroll FACEBOOK

are one of the few humans who do not Esses joined Facebook, and I'm proud of .... I find it absurd to a communication system ..... Is not a true social-network, for me the only real social networks and the Forum and chat ...... FB
on your neighbor asks you for the friendship, then when you meet when you go shit ..... Become FUN Nutella as 1,678,980 other people .... so per uscire dal coro.....
Devi seguire la massa di persone che anestetizzate da FB ti invitano nelle assurde iniziative, SONO SICURO CHE VOI NON SEGUIRESTE MAI SE CI FOSSE NELLA PIAZZA DELLA VOSTRA CITTÀ AD UNO STAND INTITOLATO COME LE INIZIATIVE DI FB......

Ma vi rendete conto che la Rete e nata sotto la grande possibilità di essere anonimi, non per fare del male, ma per avere la propria privacy e POI quel grande genio che ha creato FB Vi ha inculcato che usare il proprio nome e cognome dati personali, foto proprie e di amici ecc. è utile..... anzi quasi necessario...... Lasciamo perdere il lato legale del contratto di utilizzo di FB è assurdo tutto quello che scrivi, carichi foto video ecc diventa di loro proprietà therefore usable without asking your permission .... Then if you have any problem and the competent court in California ..... But then what do I care to meet your colleague or classmate, I will not live on memories, I have all the old to do it .... maybe then I will enroll

Antigravity Yoga Toronto

Hacker Manifesto

Yet we're the criminals ..... Words have a weight ... and meaning ....
I invite you to listen very carefully to the words of this video.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Mighty Guy 3 Play The Game


E 'already consulted the Prime Video Article

A a series of short video- articles on the different types of rollergun, distinguishing between:

  • not tensioned
  • little tensioned
  • voltage hybrid (G-Roll)
  • fully tensioned
  • roller evolved
  • -loaded split
  • with loading only solution
made clear that the configurations on the project Evo-G Roll
as it uses a open system that can be configured as :
- fully tensioned ( recommended )
- partially tensioned
- not tensioned
and you can load as the :
- split ( consigliato )
-  unica soluzione  (tramite doppia ogiva o carichino, a scelta)
ed è possibile utilizzare le  seguenti aste :
-  aste di tutte le dimensioni  entro alcuni limiti derivanti dalla massa dell'arbalete
affinché si ottenga l'assetto e il bilanciamento necessario,
semplicemente adeguando l'allestimento auction
(and there is also recommended for setting up an auction recommended).
will also be available in the site Miniblog
as deepening Article already published on the tip of the tires
... this will also speak of many fanciful assumptions about the speed:
at all if properly configured speed roller shaft near the head has reached the maximum
pending the ... ' article will take you for a debate that goes for all guns, rollers, single or double rubber:
The ratio of energy returned and the mass impact of the auction at the point which will reach full speed.
Vi invito ad una riflessione:
I roller evoluti permettono di essere configurati con qualunque settaggio (tensionato o meno)
e l'utilizzatore potrà anche sceglierne successivamente uno differente da quello consigliato.
E' quindi ovvio che se avessi ritenuto migliore un sistema diverso da quello attualmente proposto
(evoluto completamente tensionato)  I just recommended a different layout!

Small anticipation

It 'happened, and continues to happen will happen still hear phrases such as "physics says one thing, practice another"
but are we really sure? we are sure that those who say that really know what to say physics? else try to tell us?
Could it be better to observe what is happening and ask why? ... By the laws of physics for the moment we can not ignore.

E 'also happened to read fantasies and then sold as experimental dogmas, or from a hypothesis ventured to come to the thesis of convenience:
any speargun, whether it's a classic, a roller or arbaparanco is a power-to-ground auction to determine the point at which the auction will reach full speed for this reason every system will have to adjust the energy to the mass of the auction (and this can be done simply by reducing energy with less stretching of the tire or tires smaller diameter, while increasing the mass of the auction itself while maintaining the same energy is just one of the options).

In summary I prefer a system that better and more able to exploit this energy because the same drive shaft with smaller diameter tires or tires with a lot less tension ahead of peers such as recoil and accuracy as a result.

Try to bring a player on the wrong path, however, becomes easy enough to assume that two such systems, one partially and one fully tensioned, Montini stretched the same tires the same and here is the paradox that the sistema capace di restituire meno energia (parzialmente tensionato) risulta addirittura quello più performante. Peccato che  ci si dimentica casualmente di dire che anziché aumentare la massa dell'asta un roller più evoluto può semplicemente utizzare meno potenza, diventando così più gestibile, più costante nelle prestazioni (minor isteresi), più semplice da caricare, con minor rinculo e più preciso : laddove il contraddittorio non è consentito diventa facile ingannare il lettore che probabilmente non leggerà mai quest'altra campana.

Purtroppo l'esperienza di anni di sperimentazione ed utilizzo in vari e molteplici sistemi che sfruttano le pulegge appartiene a pochi e questo fa si che, in uno spazio virtuale che protegge e implicitamente avvalora affermazioni viziate allontanando e bandendo ogni forma di scomodo contraddittorio, un lettore sprovveduto possa essere portato a credere a molte sciocchezze contrabbandate come assiomi sperimentali di cui neppure è dato dubitare.

Mi ricordo quando nel 2005 iniziai ad utilizzare un paio di gomme aggiuntive sui roller la cosa neppure destò meraviglia, non ero certo né il primo né l'unico a farlo ma quel che è il colmo che a distanza di anni esistono spazi virtuali in cui tentano di farla apparire come un'intuizione moderna: trattasi comunque di un sistema con dei pro e dei contro, così as the old system of using multiple pairs of pulleys, I have seen 3 couples between multiroller of the last century and these systems have their pros and cons, I've already experienced systems (stop 2 pairs), and you probably speak in A second series of video articles.

What is correct to point out is that the greater the energy that a speargun is able to return and be more sensitive to any changes in construction and this will make a delicate setting.

I also invite you to read the page concerning the ' interview ... in practice I have answered some questions I have put