Professione barlady /
Shake a bit 'of talent, luck, some sprinkling of youth, a segment of study, a leaf of love for foreign languages, add a passion for everything that is new and Federica you Borgogni, class '83, the new barlady Arezzo in "The Garrick Club in London,, one of the most exclusive clubs of the capital, the 15 homonymous street. There
where women can access the bar only dopo le 21.30 lei è la padrona di casa, pronta a servire un cocktail martini al Principe Filippo, Duca di Edimburgo, o un drink a Anthony Hopkins: «La cosa più bella – dice Federica – è che il cocktail bar nasce con me, quindi ho la possibilità di dargli un’impronta».
Dopo prestigiose esperienze internazionali, una delle quali a Valencia durante l’America’s Cup, la barlady toscana è approdata a Londra in cerca di nuove esperienze professionali e grazie a un’importante agenzia ha partecipato a una selezione insieme con altri dodici ragazzi, tutti maschi: «Da non crederci, ero arrivata da appena due settimane e venivo catapultata in uno dei locali più esclusivi al mondo».
Needless to say, do not you get to work at The Garrick Club "if you do not have all the necessary requirements, in addition to give the service a brand-new to the carefully selected members, about 1,400, including actors, musicians, politicians and businessmen of the City.
All names to be known by heart for not making fool and to mark the account to be paid later this month, there almost no one pays in cash; names to keep fairly safe from any gossip.
"I found people very polite - says Federica - and a great place. Even if you earn less than other work from 17 to 1 am, the weekend is free, there are three weeks of vacation in August, two at Christmas and all the bridges, "in short, a great gravy.
But you do not get so high without any obligation and without any determination.
Graduate Institute of Art in Arezzo, Federica had already had an experience of a year at the London designer Vivienne Westwood, but the fashion world was not for her, even though his parents are owners of the Jumper's, which sells knitting cashmere. Back in Tuscany
won a contest organized by the food & beverage manager Province of Arezzo. After a first experience at the Cafe in San Francisco attending the international course and Marco Grotti AIBES barman, now owner of the prestigious Café Constant, carries it to Martini Point of Ramparts, "Marco is a great teacher, taught me a lot experience with him has been the springboard for everything else."
A remnant called Valencia, Canazei in a five-star hotel, another luxury hotel in the Canary Islands and a 'taste' in the restaurants of Gordon Ramsey,, one of the world's most famous chef, before arrive at "The Garrick Club. Federica
loves dry cocktail, the vodka martini at all, but much prefers a good bottle of wine, but in the land of gin and sherry has seen fit to revise its scale of values: "Change means traveling, learning new languages \u200b\u200band new cocktails, non comprendo chi sta venti o trent’anni nello stesso posto».
Il sogno? «Be’ non si può fare la barlady (o barmaid) tutta la vita, un giorno potrei aprire anche un locale tutto mio. Ma per adesso Londra è la città dove i giovani con talento e voglia di fare hanno grandi opportunità professionali, il contrario dell’Italia».
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