Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Many Sins In The Bible Are Punished By Death?


Women have the unconscious fear of becoming fat, even if their line is perfect.

When they see a woman in fact overweight, their brains react negatively, increasing feelings of unhappiness and even disgust themselves.

The study points out America's Brigham Young University published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences. Typically, these

sentmenti negative in front of the sight of an overweight person are typical of women who suffer from anorexia or other eating disorders.

But, according to researchers, it also happens to healthy women and in forma.Al contrast, in men there was no indication any reaction.

In practice, the study suggests that women feel constantly under pressure to conform to a certain line even when they are thin and happy.

To achieve these results, the American researchers used magnetic resonance imaging while subjects were made to see photos of unknown people.

When women are seen unknown overweight has triggered a reaction in the brain linked to processes of identity and to reflect on their own.

has not been recorded but no reaction in humans subjected to the same test.

"These women have no history of eating disorders," he assured Mark Allen, a neuroscientist who led the study.

"And yet, were worried about getting fat," he added.

The researchers are now conducting a study to improve long-term psychological treatments for eating disorders food. AGI Health

Publication date 15/04/2010 00:00:00
Last modified 15/04/2010 14:15:00


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