Saturday, May 29, 2010

Watch Movies En Español

Best Travel

L'agenzia francescana "Fratesole" ha di recente pubblicato sul suo sito internet una nuova proposta di viaggio in Terra Santa con un occhio di riguardo al deserto.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Laser Gun Sound Pew Pew


Write a contribution for the alleged harm, or usefulness of social networks in the role of Clinical Psychologist is not simple, at least not if you want to avoid falling into the usual clichés corny, that raise the specter of loneliness and alienation Social-emotional at every new screen shot of clicks, we chat message.
So here I am talking about this new reality (even more so new now) for us all, if only in the role of judges or spectators: Let's talk 'as a psychologist, a bit' as a user, a bit 'by curious observer.
The phenomenon of social networks is one of those who, because of the immense potenziale e potere agiti sulla massa di utenti, non può vederci – soltanto pigri osservatori - in un atteggiamento di neutrale imparzialità. Se non altro perché in qualche modo ci coinvolge, nostro malgrado: “ci sei su facebook?” “no, non ancora almeno…” “ah… e perché non ci sei?”
… eh già… perché non ci sei?
Quindi ci pensi. Quindi ti devi fare un’idea, almeno per decidere se esserci o no. Quindi devi decidere. Anche solo di osservare, rimandando la fatidica scelta a tempi di maggior chiarezza intellettual-filosofico-sociologica. Semmai arriverà.
E quando arriva non dura a lungo. Perché conosco molte, molte persone who were able to stoically and energetically - citing reasons consistent and firm - to keep the point of non-participation in the frenzy of global sharing to the end and then ... and then gave up, "but we are all ..." or "ok, basically because is not it? "or even" I felt like I too find the type with which I was engaged to 8 years, he had beautiful eyes "... and so on.
The explanations are very different, subjective, fantastic but if we have a common denominator: the curiosity, wrapped the need to share.
And, if I may, to the voyeuristic curiosity and renewed desire to condivisione del popolo di FB ne fanno un branco di animali estremamente sociali e non certo un pallido e solitario stuolo di esseri crepuscolari dagli occhi cerchiati in cerca di avventure inquietanti! Ok ok… ci saranno anche gli alienati, i feticisti dell’immagine e dell’aforisma, i cercatori di avventure, i coltivatori di amicizie virtuali, i sociopatici i maniaci e gli eterni mascherati tra di loro; (ma ditemi, nel mondo esterno non ci sono?) e io comunque, ci vedo ancora desiderio di socialità, di appartenenza e di condivisione.
Eh si perché la gente di FB condivide, e condivide tutto: stati d’animo, amicizie, foto di momenti importanti o meno, dei propri amatissimi animali domestici, condivide le proprie passioni e i propri interessi. Anche i più inusuali. Perché su FB c’è posto per tutto, e c’è posto per tutti.
Io lo trovo consolatorio, liberale, unificante.
E allora ben venga la chat notturna di quando non riesci a prendere sonno; benedetta la nuova amicizia che ti incuriosisce e ti ispira simpatia; benvenuti tutti gli antichi fidanzati, i compagni della scuola elementare, le vecchie amiche perse di vista, i colleghi spariti in un’altra città, i parenti lontani, quel bel tipo che ti piace col bicipite gonfio e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Voglio essere provocatoria: io questa la chiamo ricchezza di stimoli e di possibilità.
La chiamo condivisione a basso rischio, socialità at little cost.
nothing to do with socialization in the physical world and the consequent relationship vis-a-vis the smell, gestures, facial expressions are the masters and where we are at stake in a complete, bold. No, here is a new form of socialization to which we took our old needs (sharing, curiosity, socialization, belonging and recognition) combined with new technological possibilities. How to say the same purpose served by a different medium. And since the world began the purposes of a human being have not changed that much ...
is now to learn the different rules, know the different limits, measure our expectations based on an interactional mode is intact and not a substitute.
Aric Sigman is a psychologist who for years studied the effects of life related to social networks created in particularly vulnerable people, in a study published in Biologist seems not to have contacts in real life every day - preferring the virtual contacts - can cause damage to our body. First, altering the way the genes work, then interfering with the immune system, blood levels of hormones, the functionality of the arteries and ultimately influencing our intellectual performance. Patients with dependence on the Web (and then we talk of people not only prepared but with a disease) tend to suffer particularly induced isolation from the continuing use of social networks, because they end up preferring the friendships and contacts in virtual reality, thereby isolating themselves from the world of hands, skin, smells, looks and voice that continues to exist beyond beyond the keyboard.
As you can see the damage mentioned by users suffering from dependency on the web, which has nothing to do with the use of sense of virtual communication tools. There will be a stroke if Chat with an hour that we like, do not suddenly start to suffer devastating headaches if we publish our photos on FB, and our blood levels of hormones do not alter if we're going to snoop on boards of others ...!
Provided that it is done for most of the time! The web
dependence is a disease, and as a professional I do not feel to generalize the results to other users about this category.
remains deeply convinced, now, that social networks efficiently play their role in the social gathering, sharing tools and participation to the extent that they shall be considered just an integration and not a replacement for our special international arrangements, which are and will remain increasingly critical to the balance of our psyche and our health.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Leimo Hair Laser Review And Comments

Desert of Judah

Public forward to a beautiful photo taken by P. Carmelo Pappalardo from the road that leads to the source of Mizpah Jeriho Kelt, homonymous wadi.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Harpie Deck 2010 I Am A Guy With A Harpie Deck?

An old railway in the desert - Ynet רכבת טורקית בנגב - תיירות

a Segnalo very interesting article (unfortunately only in Hebrew) on the old Turkish railway from 'Afula (in Galilee, northern Israel) was in Egypt, through the the Negev desert. As soon as I get a bit 'of time will translate!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Person With A Pet Platypus

Samaritans' Easter

Samaritans' Easter

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Songs At Basketball Games


narrow souls I will abhor, there is nothing, neither good nor evil " (F. Nietzsche)

Our personal bias is built on the basis of what we fear and what we are looking for, and such inclinations begin to take shape and structure in the early years of life of each of us and during childhood.
will own these preferences, these tendencies of the mind to build the foundation upon which we build slowly but surely the city of our passions, our desires and our inclinations and in parallel, it will outline the negative obscure the fact of pain, discomfort, fear, disgust. E come le strade e le piazze di una “città invisibile” di Calviniana memoria, il nostro animo avrà le sue passioni ed i suoi orrori tra loro paralleli, segretamente congiunti dal ponte invisibile del desiderio.
«La mente è sostanzialmente desiderio» cita una frase tratta dal libro del Prof. Antonino Tamburello (Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Profondità Causale - Sugarco Edizioni), mio Maestro ed ispiratore durante gli anni di specializzazione presso la sua scuola di Psicoterapia Cognitivo-Comportamentale di Roma, e continua: «… sembrerebbe che una volta conosciuto un bene, la tendenza naturale spinga ad operare per raggiungere tale bene, per arrivare a possederlo e a conservarlo e che privilegi a tal punto tali risultati da considerare secondarie altre operazioni».
Tutto ciò che si struttura dentro di noi come amabile e desiderabile e ciò che invece consideriamo detestabile, spaventoso o disgustoso va a costituire la trama che formerà il disegno della nostra vita; la guida delle nostre azioni. Essa traccerà quel il movimento di fondo che ci sposta nella vita come una marea silenziosa, costante, sotterranea e che rappresenta infine il nostro atteggiamento verso gli altri, gli eventi, la vita tutta.
È il desiderio, inteso come «moto dell’animo che spinge a voler ottenere o realizzare qualcosa che si considera un bene» (dal Grande dizionario generale dell’uso di De Mauro) che ci muove spontaneamente verso l’acquisizione of what we consider a good (or expulsion to / from that which is the lack of good) and symmetrically us away from what we consider evil (or the deprivation of the property).
Pleasure is the emotion we feel in the removal of obtaining the good or evil, fear is the emotion we feel in the removal from the good or evil in meeting.
is within us, these emotions are strong and rooted, and keep intact all their vigor, freshness and the immense power they had when we were kids, and then they represented the only guide to ensure not only survival, but the greater degree well-being possible.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Pinnies Lacrosse Custom


A. It is there to listen, what he confused? What rustles and rattles her ears?
What is it that he nailed to the ground?
B. As someone who once was everywhere in chains
To hear - ringing.
(THE "NOT FREE" F. Nietzsche)

How many times we happened to live a relationship that made us feel unhappy, insecure or frustrated? How many times have we
feel betrayed by a friend, a teacher or a lover? How many times
emotions such as fear, anger or resentment have undermined the roots of our peace and our emotional stability?
these are situations that we have covered all at least once in their life, and very often for some of us, this "time" can last for months or even years, becoming a personal hell from which it is difficult to get out and that, very often you know not even recognize, but merely suffer the consequences in terms of inner distress, feelings of anger, dissatisfaction, frustration and sadness.
But what's behind the feelings of fear, loneliness, frustration and anger that arise during the course of our interpersonal relationships? These are our basic beliefs: the result of constraints accumulated during childhood and young age and the way we reacted to them in an attempt to adapt to reality, thus structuring our personal bias "of good and evil" .
Within this polarized structure of the inner psychic contents and how the rating of emotional experiences, the asset is usually all that makes us feel nourished, cared for, content, loved, supported, happy, full, and what we MALE feel abandoned, frightened, lonely, helpless, incapable, inadequate, dissatisfied, frustrated and so on.
mode structure of the polarization is different from person to person and is strictly subjective, being linked to accidents such as the condition of family, social, physical and economic entity, this polarization, once strutturatasi and consolidated over the years due to processes operant conditioning, it becomes a sort of "navigator emotional", according to which every person categorizes experiences as good or bad and react to them accordingly.
For simplicity, from now on I will call this bias our "baby step backwards."
far so clear - you say - but then why the "baby step back" emerge in our intimate relationships (whether friendship, love, brotherhood, kinship or fellowship) taking possession of our common sense and lucidity of our making and our relationships difficult, tortuous and often a source of emotional pain and discomfort ?
Before answering this question I want to talk about the two great forces that guide us: the pleasure and fear.