Friday, June 25, 2010

Lots Of Pain 40 Weeks

Desert alternative ... to Ezuz!

Dopo la discussione della tesina di baccalaureato avevo molta voglia di deserto e poca voglia di stancarmi. Insieme ad un caro amico tedesco ci siamo quindi messi alla ricerca di un posto sperduto dove poter affittare una stanza ("zimmer" tra l'altro è ormai diventato un termine ebraico!). Ci siamo imbattuti per caso in un yishuv qehilatì di nome Ezuz a 3 Km dal confine egiziano, a sud di Nizzana. Eravamo davvero curiosi di vedere chi potesse vivere in un posto del genere e quindi ci siamo andati!
E 'was very interesting. In this settlement there live about 50 families from various sources, the owner of our room, for example, was Dutch. The houses were built in very rudimentary, sometimes using waste materials, but also old rail cars and buses out of service! In turn, the streets, a mess and so many old car wrecks ... a haven for local children who, in the best tradition of the kibbutz, go around barefoot.
Ezuz Within walking distance is also a park with two old wells and a section of the old Turkish railway was to link Palestine with Egypt. After having walked around in these places we also bought some tiles cheese made from goat's milk, delicious!
the evening we dined in the company of hundreds of crickets through their singing us sleep.
The next morning, after a long sleep and a delicious breakfast, we headed by car (through a road in bad condition!) To the border with Egypt. We then climbed back on the road Nizzana No 10.
Later we also visited the archaeological site of Shivta, a magnificent Nabatean city with three beautiful churches.
Other interesting photos can be found by clicking here . Note the hidden tank that had been indicated by the owner of our room.


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