Friday, June 25, 2010

Renting Indian Bridal Lengha

's blog Speargun - Spear Gun

One way to exchange comments, views and thoughts


Why a blog linked to a site?

A web site is a uni-directional communication, information that is given no chance to reply.
What I want to avoid the risk of information pilotata, unilaterale e in cui è difficile far ascoltare la voce di chi dissente o semplicemente vorrebbe dire la propria opinione al riguardo.

Nel nostro settore si sta verificando sempre più spesso questo fenomeno:
  • che si tratti di forum chiusi in cui la voce la voce del dissenso è zittita dalla semplice selezione dell'utenza, che accetta di buon grado il ruolo di discepolo e che viene organizzata a porte chiuse, una sorta di piccola massoneria ma in cui le regole vengono pubblicamente dichiarate e questo ha il merito di rendere trasparenti le intenzioni, che piacciano o meno è un altro discorso, l'importante è che non si faccia the impropriety of speaking to the absent or unable to refer to the reply
  • that it is theoretically open forum where it silences those who are not in line with disclosure often driven by a few who try to spread simply by prohibiting the 'access and the opportunity to speak to those who contradict that information. Obviously the staff, with the competition with a handful of users, plays a key role, managing to engage and drag another good part of users believe the good faith of all. In these cases, the misconduct is the first 'illusion of transparency that is given to readers. Abuse of who becomes exponential when referring to people (or ideas and solutions of people) whose participation in the forum is inhibited because double ... impropriety involving both stakeholders believe that the unsuspecting reader to assist discussion with correct and that might even be inclined to think that the lack of an adversarial process is due to the unanimity of consensus, which creates a lot of embarrassment in the reply in front of such uniformity of thought.

Why even allow anonymous comments
The modern world we are getting used to no longer evaluate ideas, comments, information for what it objectively but are increasingly trying to credit them only by author, if properly credited author who will get credibility in the face of statements or speeches unless corrected.
It was said that the clothes do not make the Monaco, but this is what happens in our society.
With a good habit we Berci of sermons that can also have your second purpose is not legitimate: what I'd like to achieve good monaco preaches the good and not good habit
... so they are welcome in this very blog comments articulated, even if anonymous, makes no effort to intortare with big words most naive readers
... more advantage of the anonymous comments that the author does not become cumbersome or the presence of scienziatone duty he believes to be the only one in possession of sacred truth nor Lappan fisherman who fish for a year and is likely to be underestimated even when the ' argument are the techniques of fishing for each comment is that it expresses and its content is evaluated and considered for what it simply expresses and no comments become valid or invalid by virtue only of the author.

Enter your comment
are also allowed anonymous comments
a your submission resterà comunque un atto gradito

...i commenti per essere convalidati e quindi pubblicati dovranno sottostare a 4 regole:
educazione, rispetto verso persone e idee altrui, essere in tema con l'argomento, essere scritti in un italiano 'almeno decente' (eccezion fatta per gli stranieri) il vostro commento non viene pubblicato verificate se avete rispettato queste regole ed eventualmente riformulatelo...
...un criterio di moderazione che, a mio parere, dovrebbe avvenire ovunque, anche nei forum...



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