Saturday, August 16, 2008

Building Plans For Toy Box

Gregory the Healer, Address to Origen, New Town Editrice, Rome 1983

Con il testo della Lettera di Origene a Gregorio. Traduzione, introduzione e note a cura di Eugenio Marotta.

Gregorio il Taumaturgo (213-270 circa) nacque da una distinta famiglia pagana in Neocesarea del Ponto. Dopo aver compiuto gli studi di grammatica e di retorica si recò a Cesarea, insieme col fratello Atenodoro, per compiere studi di diritto nella near Beirut. Once, however, in the Palestinian city, meeting with Origen, that it had moved after being banished from Alexandria, had upset their plans. Fascinated by the personality of the teacher and converted to Christianity, renounced the study of law to embrace the philosophy and established their home in Caesarea. On the occasion of his retirement from the master (238), after five years, Gregory gave him a speech, in his presence and a large audience. Gregory became bishop of his hometown and worked for the spread of Christianity in Pontus. The
Acceptance speech Origen is an apology addressed to the teacher who was stripped of most of his mortal nature by virtue of the size of gifts that mark the transition from human to divine. It is the friend, the interpreter of the Logos, he points to Jesus as the unrivaled master of science, human and divine. The Speech is especially important for the description of the pedagogical method of Origen. The
Letter of Origen to Gregory was written a short time after the return home of the Healer. The teacher warns him, advised him to use his talent for having only half the Christian doctrine.
Translation, per la prima volta in lingua italiana, è opera del noto specialista di Letteratura cristiana antica Eugenio Marotta.

San Gregorio di Neocesarea, il Taumaturgo


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