Saturday, August 16, 2008

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Gregory the Healer (?), Citation of Origen, Pauline, Milan 2002

Introduzione, traduzione e note di Marco Rizzi
Tradizionalmente attribuito a Gregorio il Taumaturgo, l’ Encomio di Origene veniva sino ad oggi considerato una fonte decisiva per illuminare l’attività di insegnamento del grande maestro alessandrino e per illustrarne la spiritualità, through the words of a pupil at the end of his studies.
This edition, however, along with a new and rigorous translation, offers innovative interpretation of this text of particular importance for the history of early Christianity. Through a careful analysis of both literary and rhetorical, historical and theological, political and philosophical ' Citation , are in fact brought to light intentions and ambitions far more depth and impact: to paint a picture of Christianity that could be understood and accepted by the intellectual and political elites of the Roman Empire, to propose a model of coexistence between the Empire and the new religion, founded on an ideal di vita coerente e rigoroso. Un’impossibile utopia, destinata a infrangersi sul compromesso tra impero costantiniana e Chiesa istituzionalizzata.


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