Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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For many years, now almost thirty, I am interested
passionately and in a more or less continuous natural therapies, medicina alternativa, spiritualità, discipline orientali, meditazione, Buddismo ecc ecc.
Tutte discipline che godono di millenni di storia, e sono talmente radicate nelle nostre diverse culture da sfociare, nella loro espressione più superficiale, nelle discutibili ma diffusissime confessioni legate alla scaramanzia, alla stregoneria di bassa lega, alle credenze popolari.
Ho sempre provato un'imbarazzante assenza di sintonia intellettuale e spirituale nel pensare alla medicina tradizionale, ai suoi limiti, al modo meccanicistico ed offensivo che ha di considerare il corpo e la persona nella sua interezza (o meglio dovrei dire di NON considerare la persona nella sua interezza).
Il potere spropositato delle multinazionali drug grows and branches out in ignorance and in the removal of every last intimate and from its root, which for convenience I will call Soul, but that each of us can consider and call as they see fit.
The paradox of traditional medicine, one based on the chemistry to be clear, is that its power and its enormous wealth originate from what it says it wants to root out: illness, pain and suffering. Does not it seem strange?
And there also seems strange that most of the so-called "scientific research" drug cares so much to experience the goodness of the new molecules to discredit that evidence of alternative therapies?
LINUS CARL PAULING was one of the few scientists to be awarded by 2 Nobel laureates for chemistry in 1954 and for Peace in 1962.
Pauling, together with Canadian psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, contributed to the development of unconventional medicine called orthomolecular medicine and he was strong supporter of the use of therapeutic doses of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as in the prevention and treatment of common cold symptoms. These studies, however, were challenged by the international medical community, who accused him of quackery Pauling (... let us ask why) ... However, just happened today, the first symptoms of colds ALL recourse to the use of massive doses of vitamin C!
And mad with advertising sponsors of products based on Vitamin C in the winter proves this ...
I worked for many years in direct contact with the scientific community and I also participated in medical studies to demonstrate the goodness terapoeutica indication of some drugs, the official science sometimes proves to be deaf and blind and would rather continue to live ' inside of their limited and limiting paradigm in which the system itself determines which rules are appropriate or not to trust the result of research or study.
self and servant of power.
wake up!
learn to develop a conscience critical riappropriamoci of our innate and natural power of knowledge and healing. We learn to go against the system if necessary or at least, to question the foundations of those principles and paradoxes of crystallized and ponds, daughters of the thirst for wealth and power.


2) 20novartis.htm

3) http: / / / translate? hl = en & langpair = en


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