Thursday, March 25, 2010

Waldorf Dolls Pattern

Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life

Un omaggio a Cortona, a Luca Signorelli e ai vent’anni di Bramasole.
In “Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life”, la terza fatica letteraria della scrittrice americana Frances Mayes, c’è tutto questo e molto di più: «Sono i piaceri della vita di ogni giorno il filo conduttore del romanzo – scrive la Mayes nel suo blog, – Nessuna suspense da giallo, niente di più torrido del fuoco del forno che sta cuocendo il pane».
L’autrice statunitense, originaria della Giorgia, divenne famosa con il libro “Under The Tuscan Sun”, pubblicato nel ’96, libro che è diventato un bestseller, oltre che un film, interpretato da Diane Lane e Raul Bova, e una guida immaginifica per gli americani che da sempre amano la Toscana e Cortona in modo particolare.
Nel mezzo c’è stato anche “Bella Tuscany”, ma “Every day” promette di essere un nuovo bestseller e, soprattutto per i cortonesi, il grimaldello to bring a new wave of Anglo-Saxon tourists in search of beauty and serenity.
emblematic chapter in Luca Signorelli, a pupil of Piero della Francesca and considered one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance: "I propose to my readers and my readers - reaffirms Frances Mayes - a guided tour of his finest works," what better call for the Tuscan Sun Festival to be held in Cortona from 31 July to 5 August and of which the writer was from the beginning muse?! In July
also Bramasole, from twenty years old when he chose it as their retreat Mayes, an occasion to celebrate: "We are planning a fantastic party to which invite our closest friends. I am particularly happy that my book to coincide with this anniversary, "in fact one of the chapters is devoted to the enlargement of the garden Bramasole, a task that has entertained and his wife Frances. In
"Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life "is all the way to the stars and stripes to tell themselves and their lives, there is the American vision of a dream city which appears to Cortona in the eyes of foreigners, but there's also a lot of Tuscany , that of food, with 25 recipes of the area, the cover of the book, which portrays the city photographed by Hurley at the clock tower.
Mayes says even the ugly story that has played a leading role in 2003 when he opposed the building, near Bramasole, the pool Cortona, receiving some anonymous letters of which are also occupied the police.
An incident that does not disturb the dreams of Americans, ready to pack up and follow once again Mayes between food, art and natural beauties of Cortona and surroundings: see you in the square!

I Love His Seven Inch Dick


(From book "I love to meditate," Swami Kriyananda)
The best way to relax the body and stretch it to begin with, because by doing so you can evenly distribute the flow of power from head to toe. In this way, when the muscles relax, tension will be gone also that even knew you had.

This procedure is useful also in case of emotional strain. Very often we can get rid of an emotion only when he reached the peak of its intensity, because the first had not yet sufficiently defined so that we could bring it into focus clearly.

Even our psychological vulnerabilities are difficult to address until they are backed by mental energy weak. A person may seem completely harmless, as long as good health and renewed energy you do not suddenly emerge in a streak of meanness that was always lurking.

spiritual crises and trials of life are a blessing in that they help to make "live" our faults, making us more aware of their existence. The calm acceptance that announces the passing of a test is often accompanied by the release from that weakness.

To reach a state of physical relaxation, need to meditate deeply, you tend at first and then relaxes the whole body.

For starters, do some slow, deep breaths to release il sangue dall'eccesso di anidride carbonica. Se hai abbastanza tempo, esegui questo esercizio:
1) inspira, contando mentalmente fino a 12
2) trattieni il respiro, contando fino a 12
3) espira, sempre contando fino a 12.

Ripeti da 6 a 12 volte, poi inspira profondamente e tendi tutto il corpo, non di colpo ma gradatamente, con tensione bassa, media e infine alta. Tendi con forza sufficiente a far vibrare tutto il corpo. Poi espira velocemente e rilassa ogni tensione. Ripeti ancora una o due volte.

Da qui in avanti, è importante che tu mantenga il corpo immobile. All'inizio può esserti difficile stare seduto perfettamente fermo, abituato come sei a muoverti di continuo; nel momento in cui decide to stand still, it is likely that you should attack the uncontrollable need to move! However, the longer you can keep your body completely still, you will be more easy to continue to do so. Your physical restlessness will disappear after five minutes or so, and soon you'll appreciate the feeling of freedom from the consciousness of the body.

Remember, being independent means being a slave to the muscles of the body. Throw away the body and mind focused on the thought of space. Displaying

surrounded by space: the space around you, a space that slowly penetrates into your body through the pores of the skin, as a pure evanescent light, a space that permeates your body and relaxes completely.

From time to time, mind control the body is still relaxed. Concentrate on the tension you feel, viewing space or pure light at these points.

Or if you feel that the whole body is getting tense, breathe again, stretch the body, exhale forcefully and relaxed.

The mental relaxation is important. You can not meditate deeply - indeed, you can not meditate at all - if the mind is tense. Among the main causes of mental strain, there are feelings of hostility, anger and competitiveness, as well as the desire to exercise power, in one way or another, on people or events.

To relax your mind, focus your attention in the heart. Imagine that point in a pure white light. View ray of love and harmony that radiate from the light in the world around you. The heart is the center of the emotional feeling. If the emotions are calm and altruistic, it is transforming into intuition and lead an expansion of inner freedom, and if you are selfish or disrupted, they cause nothing but confusion and a sense of inner slavery.

Very often, the energy that flows from the heart to the outside has the effect of trapping people into things or events in the lives of others. These individuals are full of desires and aversions; grab other energy beams to hold them, or fight them in hopes of weakening them and to overcome them. Imagine instead of in your heart there is a beneficial light. This light radiates outward, like a blessing for all. Mentally bless all those who are around you. Then send your blessings from the hearts of the people of each country, all over the Earth. Leave rays of love to all creatures, in all things. Bless the rocks, deserts, vast oceans and high mountains. Around the world with an aura of light, love, joy, because everything is alive. All beings, all created things manifest consciousness at various levels and are part of that life, without beginning or end, that inspires you, too. More

offer yourself as a channel of peace and blessings for all, the more you will feel filled with blessings and inner peace.

The perfect calm is reached when the life of the small wave is absorbed by the cosmic sea, divine ecstasy. Even in everyday life we \u200b\u200bcan achieve a degree of calm, if we keep our consciousness focused on the reality of the Spirit, which is the foundation of all external circumstances.
The calm comes with the determination to live happily ever after in the present moment, abandoning the past, no worries for the future and firmly placing our life in God's hands, knowing that he has full control. The calm comes with non-attachment, with the understanding that nothing in this world is truly ours.
- From Statements for self-healing, Swami Kriyananda

Friday, March 19, 2010

Polaroud Spectra Battery

From rumors, leaked by the team of engineers working on the new version of Ubuntu 4.10, seems to be native support for iPod and iPod Touch and iPhone, All guaranteed to iFuse, and other performers. How

interface will use iTunes instead Rythmbox ... then the batteries charged and ready to play your music on your iPhone or Touch.
Jargon70 LucaLinux70

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cervical Stenosis And Thyroiditis

Clic nel mondo di Piero / Corriere Fiorentino

Two target genes in the places of the master of light and perspective to the fulfillment of a dream that turns Sansepolcro in the capital of photography. Dante
Trefoloni, Mercury Promotions, was able to put together the Leica Gianni Berengo Gardin and Canon Elliott Erwitt for a first to be launched Saturday, March 27 at the Palazzo Pichi Sforza, piano and Kemon Banca Etruria.
"In place of Piero della Francesca", unpublished, or 50 shots that tell, through the black and white two living photographers of the world's largest, Sansepolcro and its surroundings: from Anghiari Arezzo, Chiusi della Verna from the Tiber Valley.
"A path that, in the daily work - says Trefoloni - has been transformed into a walk around San Francisco and the spirituality of this land."
Erwitt seems to have especially appreciated, in addition to food, the silences and landscapes from the Sanctuary of La Verna look towards Caprese Michelangelo.
"Everything lasted four days - tells Dante - and since they arrived in Sansepolcro their cameras have begun to capture people, moments, landscapes, setting the genius loci that characterizes us," genius loci in the mathematical sense Piero della Francesca .
day around taking photographs and the night at the computer trying to make a first skimming: "At the end they made only about 2,000 images and their expert eye could choose the best samples of two inches for two."
A walk around and back in the history of Sansepolcro and surroundings that in the 50 unpublished tells us what we were and what we are today, setting the stroke of genius never immortalize theatrical, and what's left, with the ironic look of Erwitt, wonderfully always equal to himself and his creative impulse, so as to infect Gardin, which considers him a master.
Trefoloni told us about the silence of two photographers, their application at the click miniaturist and work, love for good food, almost personifying the modern masters of light and perspective.
"Erwitt - adds Dante - was particularly impressed by the places chosen by St. Francis, so far away from everything and everyone."
The 'legend' goes that Elliott was very annoyed by the presence of cameras Rai returning to work of the two photographers, because they embarrassed and passers-stiffened, making it less fertile than the newspaper, much to turn the lens to take up again after being left alone.
putting together Gianni Berengo Gardin and Elliott Erwitt for Dante Treofoloni and Mercury Promotions, ranging from cross-agency communication arts, is the realization of a dream that began two years ago with unpublished Henry Cartier Bresson and continued until now able to give a unique Pichi Palazzo Sforza: "With" In place of Piero della Francesca "ends, inevitably, a cycle - Trefoloni states - to start soon with more exclusive and to begin to make room for some young discovery. "
The exhibition will close on June 20 officially, but unofficially it could be extended, is the result of the meeting of two friends, octogenarians, who have impressed in their eyes, even before that in their objectives, where the humus was born and flourished the Renaissance genius, who even today is reflected on the faces of passers-by and shop windows. Only this Gardin deserves an honorary citizen of Sansepolcro, a master of light to another.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Cover Letter To Staffing Agency

Ritrovate le tele di Pinocchio / Corriere Fiorentino

Tele, sketches, drawings and works of various kinds have been recovered from the squad of Arezzo, commanded by Marco Dal Piaz, in collaboration with colleagues from Bologna and Turin, where the stolen property was recovered physically, now returns to its rightful owners.
From the original drawings of the book "The Adventures of Pinocchio" to those of the animated film "The Rose of Bagdad" by director Domeneghini, realized by Wolfgang Peretti Poggi of Bologna, under the name of art of the coup, the property of 'publisher Carlo Porciani that kept in four different places and where nell'aretino had been stolen about a year ago.
The police reported at large for a trader in Milan abetting a fence together with Torino, who had been in touch with the publisher Porciani, asking the transfer of copyright on any of the drawings, trying not to be identified.
Prompt police report gave the investigations that have seen committed agents Arezzo together with those of Bologna and Turin, managing to recover the stolen property after making some searches.
The operation called "Pinocchio" allowed to recover, in addition to the original drawings of the book "The Adventures of Pinocchio" (in which Banca Etruria thirty years ago created a publication), those of "Don Quixote" designed by Paparella, novel, "The Divine Comedy" and "Tarot of Dante and the Faithful of Love" by Wolfgang Peretti Poggi. All works of great value that the receiver had in 250 folders.
Investigations are continuing to recover other boards stolen and not yet identified and to trace the perpetrators of the robbery.
"The operation - said the head of the mobile Arezzo Dal Piaz, visibly satisfied - has been successful thanks to the close collaboration of Poggi and Porciani," which, in turn, have expressed deep gratitude to the police for their work.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would Hand Sanitizer Kill Herpes Simplex

Vasari, niente asta / Corriere Fiorentino

Archive Vasari did not go for auction Wednesday, March 17 and the court of Arezzo will vote on the appeal brought by the heirs Festari for the cancellation of the procedure.
This is the latest twist, in order of time, which is featuring an event dubbed "Code Vasari" and that the lawyer Alberto Marchetti, one of two lawyers for the heirs of John Earl, died on 17 October, un'angheria defined that lasted fifteen years.
The auction, which should have started with a base price of € 2.6 million, has been suspended by the court for the executions Estate Agnese Di Girolamo of Arezzo, which has upheld the appeal filed by lawyers for the heirs Festa, Marchetti and Cosulich based on three fundamental points: the low value that was given to the archive, the lack of participation the expertise of the owners and the timing for displaying the auction.
not forget that previous evaluations had rated the stock Vasari to figures well below the 2.6 million and in 2007 he went at auction for a backlog of 400,000 €, contract with a bank, the bill paid on time.
The suspension of the auction also allowed to defer the debt Festari contract with the Treasury, about 800,000 €, "We have the resources to pay - the lawyer said Marchetti - now considering the times." Right on time has prompted a call and response between the heirs and Equitalia, the company in charge of di riscossione nazionale dei tributi.
I primi, infatti, hanno lamentato l’impossibilità a effettuare il bonifico: «Equitalia – ha affermato Francesco Festari – dice di averci inviato 15 minuti prima delle 10, ora di apertura dell’asta, il fax, ma ovviamente non c’era più tempo per pagare»; ma Equitalia ha replicato: «Nonostante la procedura di pignoramento fosse stata avviata da mesi, soltanto nella tarda serata di lunedì 8 marzo è avvenuta da parte dei contribuenti la richiesta di Iban del conto corrente di Equitalia Cerit per far pervenire il bonifico e, con tempestività, la Società ha provveduto a fornire al contribuente tale informazione».
E se i legali degli eredi minacciano di procedere contro il ministero dei Beni culturali, le Sovrintendenze e il Comune di Arezzo, per aver, tra le altre cose, depauperato un bene custodito in un armadio fra «scaldabagni e trappole per topi», Luciano Scala, direttore generale degli archivi del ministero dei Beni culturali, presente per partecipare all’asta, ha definito il ricorso che l’ha sospesa «assolutamente inconsistente».
«Siamo fiduciosi – ha ribadito Scala – di poter fare questo atto appena possibile. C’è una perizia depositata che il giudice dell’esecuzione ha davanti ai propri occhi. I 2,6 milioni di euro non sono un’invenzione di qualcuno ma il risultato della relazione di una persona affidabile. Forse, invece, si dovrebbe dimostrare il valore di 150 milioni». Cifra che pare gli acquirenti russi siano disposti a pagare per entrare in possesso dell’archivio Vasari, rimettendo in discussione anche il vincolo pertinenziale che lega quest’ultimo all’omonima dimora.
Proprio in conferenza stampa, Vasilj Stepanov, mediatore dell’affare nonché presidente del consiglio di amministrazione della Ross Engineering, ha telefonato all’avvocato Marchetti ribadendogli le proprie intenzioni.
Il legale ha nel frattempo presentato ricorso per ottenere che la custodia dei beni sia restituita quanto prima ai Festari, sottraendola così al museo e alla Sovrintendenza.
Allarmato Giuseppe Fanfani, sindaco di Arezzo: 'Statements confirm the reasons for my concern expressed after the news of the sale contract with the heirs. "
"Our city - said the mayor - would suffer an irreparable injury, so I thank the Minister Bondi and I would urge both to maintain rigid constraint is the appurtenance to participate in the auction to acquire the stock Vasari."
city which, apart from the students learned from their teachers and some passionate, she noticed the existence of the archive only when there was the case on March 21 and ending on the right of first refusal on the part of the Italian State.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wiring An Amp And Subwoofer

Chiantishire goodbye / Corriere Fiorentino

The love between the English and the Chiantishire is over.
is not a rumor but the result of a set of economic indicators which capture the state of the art of this corner of Tuscany, once a favorite of the subjects of His Britannic Majesty and beyond.
The first to raise the curtains were Americans Nomisma and in 2008 recorded a decrease from 37 to 20% of real estate investments in our region.
fault mode and also the idea of \u200b\u200btaking refuge in beautiful and exclusive places where nobody can bother you and which you can magnify the salons of London. Because in the end passing fads, ideas change, but remains Chiantishire. The defections
Chelsea Clinton, Antonio Banderas, Richard Geere, Mel Gibson and Tony Blair have created alarm and change the icon in the collective imagination of the much-vaunted Felix Tuscany, a place of worship for German industrialists, financial, Swiss, Dutch top managers, as well as the Swedish and Chinese Hong Kong.
The housing market is still, and not only in Chiantishire, so Brits who are looking to sell are also willing to lower the price and are often the Italians to buy, looking for the deal.
The economic and financial crisis that, among others, has severely affected the British pound and the appreciation of the euro, currently trading at 0.9062 and under speculative attack, have deleted the midrange of possible buyers, the ones to understand, willing to spend up to € 2 million.
So who can spend elsewhere, Lucca and Maremma, for example, and those who can not take refuge in Croatia or Spain where prices are much more affordable, without sacrificing the retreat.
But the reasons for the transhumance are others. In Tuscany, we fight for a long time, a war between those who would just as open-air museum and who, instead, wants also ready to investments in construction and industrial, not always friendly, like the idea of \u200b\u200bdrilling for oil in the hills of San Gimignano, the huge project of Castelfalfi, a multinational project German tourist (which we have widely spoken), and the case brought to the fore by Monticchiello Asor. Controversy and situations that may have alerted British investors, seeking exclusivity in another's house.
Another reason lies in looking for land where they can produce their own excellent Tuscan wine and thirty years ago when the Gallo Nero had the undisputed symbol today is to command the Super Tuscans. Again, however, there are those who look for the occasion, focusing on Cortona area, where long s'imbottigliano good blacks, no initial investment in areas such as Bolgheri and Montalcino.
Last but not least the ease with la quale si possono raggiungere certe località piuttosto che altre e sul Chianti pesa anche l’assenza d’importanti infrastrutture, come strade e ferrovie, mentre tutta la costa toscana è ottimamente servita dall’aeroporto di Pisa, soprattutto in chiave inglese.
Un altro dato che colpisce è la forte flessione delle presenze negli agriturismi (fonte, agosto 2009 a confronto con agosto 2008). La Toscana in un anno ha perso il 12,9%, con un -25 per i francesi e un meno 15 per inglesi e tedeschi. Colpa della crisi, certamente, ma probabilmente anche di un’offerta che non ha saputo cogliere i messaggi del mercato globale.
Prima del terremoto, da alcuni anni, molti inglesi avevano scelto l’Abruzzo as a land of conquest, finding beautiful places, prices much lower than those of Tuscany (which now, as an international brand, together with substance also sells the image) and a very hospitable people, um ...
The picture is clear, our region must rethink their development system, including in those areas where he thought to be a leader.
Fortunately, there are no data on which to work, two in particular. On the one hand, the study indicates that Nomisma in 60% the share of foreign investors, tagged, Germany and Britain, in Tuscany.
Across the English Bible,, which publishes reviews and information on the dream home for sale abroad. According to this website, Tuscany is still at the top with your favorite Italian regions, with 19.8%, followed by Abruzzo, 19.1, and the Marches, 9.9. Also first in the ranking of prices, with average of € 837,267.88 for the purchase of the retreat in front of Veneto, Lazio and Sicily, although the most expensive houses are still in Capri.
In short, there will be more in Chiantishire Sarah Ferguson and Carla Bruni, but Sting live there, grow the wine and his new album, along with the sculptor Matthew Spender, the actor Malcolm McDowell, the former SPD leader Oskar Lafontaine el ' Former Labour leader Neil Kinnock.
Like many other "very normal people" who have in their pockets 2-3 million euro coins to treat yourself to a dream and a photo with children and dogs to be shown in the drawing room in London.

Friday, March 5, 2010

New Baby Email Example


It took a hundred years, but finally they were able to understand why it has always been said that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" . An apple - and indeed also other foods such as nuts - are rich in soluble fiber, which enhance the system mmunitario. The researchers are in fact able to say now that many diseases, such as cardicahe disease and diabetes, are related to a chronic inflammatory condition "silent" body, and the apples are able to transform cells into anti-inflammatory , which then accelerates the healing process. The authorities health advise to take a daily amount of fiber is approximately 25-35 grams, but do not specify the need to recruit the right mix of fiber, both soluble and insoluble; quste last found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, and are also able to facilitate the digestive processes
(Source: Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2010)