Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life
Un omaggio a Cortona, a Luca Signorelli e ai vent’anni di Bramasole.
In “Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life”, la terza fatica letteraria della scrittrice americana Frances Mayes, c’è tutto questo e molto di più: «Sono i piaceri della vita di ogni giorno il filo conduttore del romanzo – scrive la Mayes nel suo blog, www.francesmayesbooks.com – Nessuna suspense da giallo, niente di più torrido del fuoco del forno che sta cuocendo il pane».
L’autrice statunitense, originaria della Giorgia, divenne famosa con il libro “Under The Tuscan Sun”, pubblicato nel ’96, libro che è diventato un bestseller, oltre che un film, interpretato da Diane Lane e Raul Bova, e una guida immaginifica per gli americani che da sempre amano la Toscana e Cortona in modo particolare.
Nel mezzo c’è stato anche “Bella Tuscany”, ma “Every day” promette di essere un nuovo bestseller e, soprattutto per i cortonesi, il grimaldello to bring a new wave of Anglo-Saxon tourists in search of beauty and serenity.
emblematic chapter in Luca Signorelli, a pupil of Piero della Francesca and considered one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance: "I propose to my readers and my readers - reaffirms Frances Mayes - a guided tour of his finest works," what better call for the Tuscan Sun Festival to be held in Cortona from 31 July to 5 August and of which the writer was from the beginning muse?! In July
also Bramasole, from twenty years old when he chose it as their retreat Mayes, an occasion to celebrate: "We are planning a fantastic party to which invite our closest friends. I am particularly happy that my book to coincide with this anniversary, "in fact one of the chapters is devoted to the enlargement of the garden Bramasole, a task that has entertained and his wife Frances. In
"Every day in Tuscany. Season of Italian Life "is all the way to the stars and stripes to tell themselves and their lives, there is the American vision of a dream city which appears to Cortona in the eyes of foreigners, but there's also a lot of Tuscany , that of food, with 25 recipes of the area, the cover of the book, which portrays the city photographed by Hurley at the clock tower.
Mayes says even the ugly story that has played a leading role in 2003 when he opposed the building, near Bramasole, the pool Cortona, receiving some anonymous letters of which are also occupied the police.
An incident that does not disturb the dreams of Americans, ready to pack up and follow once again Mayes between food, art and natural beauties of Cortona and surroundings: see you in the square!
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