Thursday, March 25, 2010

I Love His Seven Inch Dick


(From book "I love to meditate," Swami Kriyananda)
The best way to relax the body and stretch it to begin with, because by doing so you can evenly distribute the flow of power from head to toe. In this way, when the muscles relax, tension will be gone also that even knew you had.

This procedure is useful also in case of emotional strain. Very often we can get rid of an emotion only when he reached the peak of its intensity, because the first had not yet sufficiently defined so that we could bring it into focus clearly.

Even our psychological vulnerabilities are difficult to address until they are backed by mental energy weak. A person may seem completely harmless, as long as good health and renewed energy you do not suddenly emerge in a streak of meanness that was always lurking.

spiritual crises and trials of life are a blessing in that they help to make "live" our faults, making us more aware of their existence. The calm acceptance that announces the passing of a test is often accompanied by the release from that weakness.

To reach a state of physical relaxation, need to meditate deeply, you tend at first and then relaxes the whole body.

For starters, do some slow, deep breaths to release il sangue dall'eccesso di anidride carbonica. Se hai abbastanza tempo, esegui questo esercizio:
1) inspira, contando mentalmente fino a 12
2) trattieni il respiro, contando fino a 12
3) espira, sempre contando fino a 12.

Ripeti da 6 a 12 volte, poi inspira profondamente e tendi tutto il corpo, non di colpo ma gradatamente, con tensione bassa, media e infine alta. Tendi con forza sufficiente a far vibrare tutto il corpo. Poi espira velocemente e rilassa ogni tensione. Ripeti ancora una o due volte.

Da qui in avanti, è importante che tu mantenga il corpo immobile. All'inizio può esserti difficile stare seduto perfettamente fermo, abituato come sei a muoverti di continuo; nel momento in cui decide to stand still, it is likely that you should attack the uncontrollable need to move! However, the longer you can keep your body completely still, you will be more easy to continue to do so. Your physical restlessness will disappear after five minutes or so, and soon you'll appreciate the feeling of freedom from the consciousness of the body.

Remember, being independent means being a slave to the muscles of the body. Throw away the body and mind focused on the thought of space. Displaying

surrounded by space: the space around you, a space that slowly penetrates into your body through the pores of the skin, as a pure evanescent light, a space that permeates your body and relaxes completely.

From time to time, mind control the body is still relaxed. Concentrate on the tension you feel, viewing space or pure light at these points.

Or if you feel that the whole body is getting tense, breathe again, stretch the body, exhale forcefully and relaxed.

The mental relaxation is important. You can not meditate deeply - indeed, you can not meditate at all - if the mind is tense. Among the main causes of mental strain, there are feelings of hostility, anger and competitiveness, as well as the desire to exercise power, in one way or another, on people or events.

To relax your mind, focus your attention in the heart. Imagine that point in a pure white light. View ray of love and harmony that radiate from the light in the world around you. The heart is the center of the emotional feeling. If the emotions are calm and altruistic, it is transforming into intuition and lead an expansion of inner freedom, and if you are selfish or disrupted, they cause nothing but confusion and a sense of inner slavery.

Very often, the energy that flows from the heart to the outside has the effect of trapping people into things or events in the lives of others. These individuals are full of desires and aversions; grab other energy beams to hold them, or fight them in hopes of weakening them and to overcome them. Imagine instead of in your heart there is a beneficial light. This light radiates outward, like a blessing for all. Mentally bless all those who are around you. Then send your blessings from the hearts of the people of each country, all over the Earth. Leave rays of love to all creatures, in all things. Bless the rocks, deserts, vast oceans and high mountains. Around the world with an aura of light, love, joy, because everything is alive. All beings, all created things manifest consciousness at various levels and are part of that life, without beginning or end, that inspires you, too. More

offer yourself as a channel of peace and blessings for all, the more you will feel filled with blessings and inner peace.

The perfect calm is reached when the life of the small wave is absorbed by the cosmic sea, divine ecstasy. Even in everyday life we \u200b\u200bcan achieve a degree of calm, if we keep our consciousness focused on the reality of the Spirit, which is the foundation of all external circumstances.
The calm comes with the determination to live happily ever after in the present moment, abandoning the past, no worries for the future and firmly placing our life in God's hands, knowing that he has full control. The calm comes with non-attachment, with the understanding that nothing in this world is truly ours.
- From Statements for self-healing, Swami Kriyananda


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