Friday, March 4, 2011

Só Filmes De Incesto Gratis



Legumes namely, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils and soybeans, are the seeds of plants belonging to the family of Papilionaceae and should be regarded a mine from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, for some populations legumes were the only alternative to meat and protein is also important to note that among these peoples, cardiovascular disease and cancer have never had a major impact as it unfortunately happens in most industrialized countries and carnivores . Recent studies have established that vegetables help to fight diabetes and obesity, and this is because legumes rise of just the glycemic peak, and also thanks to fiber, keep the gut active promoting regular bowel movements and thus a proper metabolism of sugars. Further studies have also shown that if the vegetables, especially organic ones, are included in the diet 3 or 4 times a week, it means reducing the incidence of cardiovascular disease and many degenerative diseases and in menopausal women can also replace the hormones.

Many people give up eating beans because they complain of symptoms such as indigestion and bloating, in fact, if you do not follow a precise procedure for the preparation and cooking, the vegetables could generate stomach problems, bloating and flatulence. If you do not buy the beans already shelled, you must put the vegetables in water for 12-24 hours, that to soften the cuticle that covers the seed and at the same time also reduce cooking times. Place the beans in water also serves to disperse the antiviral substances such as phytic acid. Remember also that the soaking water should be changed at least 1-2 times and must never be used for cooking. Another recommendation is to not add salt or when the vegetables are put into water, either during cooking, because salt hardens the shell of the seed. To promote the digestibility add during cooking aromas digestive as bay leaf, rosemary, sage and fennel.

Let's see what are the actions that the vegetables on our body

* Chickpeas fight triglycerides: legumes, chickpeas are among the most calories, because they contain 6% fat, while the beans, peas and lentils it contains the 2% and 55% carbohydrates. Besides being rich in starch, vitamins and fatty acids, including linoleic acid, chickpeas also contain saponins, which are substances that help to eliminate triglycerides and cholesterol from the intestine, also contain a good percentage of cellulose, but beware Deev be consumed with care by all those who suffer from gastrointestinal disorders, in fact, chickpeas dibentano more digestible, as well as other legumes, they are private dall'involucro that surrounds them. *
beans lower the pressure these vegetables have a lower content of protein and to better assimilate the nutrients contained in the beans need to consume them together with pasta or rice. With this abbinamneto fact you get a protein and amino acids optimal. Recent studies on beans showed that regular consumption of this legume improves blood pressure and reduces weight in obese subjects. Before cooking the beans soak, following the same procedure that we have seen for chickpeas
* Soybeans you protects against breast cancer: soy beans (azuki) contain valuable antioxidants, isoflavones, a higher percentage than other legumes that are able to influence the processes of uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, especially hormone-dependent, such as breast cancer or prostate cancer. The recommended daily amount of soy beans to take advantage of the antitumor effect is 50 gr. Azuki beans are easily found in natural food stores. Please note: as most of the transgenic soybean in the market is, make sure that it is not genetically modified soybeans (GMO free), as would lose its effect. Soy is also used to prevent osteoporosis
* The beans clean up the colon: these legumes can be eaten fresh or dried, in which case it is advisable to eat natural, accompanied by bread and cheese, or roast can be cut in half, as you do with chestnuts . If dried beans are deprived of the seed coat is not necessary to soak it in water, then one gets a sweet puree that can be paired with bitter greens. If loe consume dry and the seed coat is necessary, before cuopcerle, soak the beans as we have seen. The proteins in beans are a good substitute for those animals and in addition, keep active intestinal peristalsis
* Lentils have an antioxidant effect: they are rich in sugar, protein, iron and copper. Legumes are more digestible and have a powerful antioxidant effect. You can buy and then dried before cooking should be put to soak in water with the same procedure of chickpeas, or jar, and in this case, before cooking, you have to wash them well under running water. Conclusions

Among the nutrients contained in vegetables are also essential fatty acids, vitamins, especially B group, minerals and trace elements, including phosphorus (valuable for the nervous system), calcium (necessary for bone health ) and lower percentages in iron and copper, which are important for sonop regenerate the blood and the metabolism of cells. Legumes are high energy foods, especially in the dry version, about 300 calories per 100 grams of product in the fresh version has fewer calories because they contain more water, fewer calories are among those beans (35 calories per 100 grams) and peas (75 calories per 100 grams), instead of chickpeas, which are a legume dry, worth 100 calories per 100 grams.

Friday, February 25, 2011

8 Ball Jacket For Sale


The ancient Essenes identified, perhaps better than anyone else, the role of human relations by defining them in seven categories: seven mysteries of the various types of relationship that each human being would have experienced in their lifetimes report .
The Essenes have defined these categories " MIRRORS", reminding us that, at every moment of life, our inner reality, we are reflected in actions, choices and the language of those around us.

A fascinating introspective journey to get to know our wishes, our shadow and our light.


If the topic interests you and want to know more, contact me!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Get Bangbros Free


For many years, now almost thirty, I am interested
passionately and in a more or less continuous natural therapies, medicina alternativa, spiritualità, discipline orientali, meditazione, Buddismo ecc ecc.
Tutte discipline che godono di millenni di storia, e sono talmente radicate nelle nostre diverse culture da sfociare, nella loro espressione più superficiale, nelle discutibili ma diffusissime confessioni legate alla scaramanzia, alla stregoneria di bassa lega, alle credenze popolari.
Ho sempre provato un'imbarazzante assenza di sintonia intellettuale e spirituale nel pensare alla medicina tradizionale, ai suoi limiti, al modo meccanicistico ed offensivo che ha di considerare il corpo e la persona nella sua interezza (o meglio dovrei dire di NON considerare la persona nella sua interezza).
Il potere spropositato delle multinazionali drug grows and branches out in ignorance and in the removal of every last intimate and from its root, which for convenience I will call Soul, but that each of us can consider and call as they see fit.
The paradox of traditional medicine, one based on the chemistry to be clear, is that its power and its enormous wealth originate from what it says it wants to root out: illness, pain and suffering. Does not it seem strange?
And there also seems strange that most of the so-called "scientific research" drug cares so much to experience the goodness of the new molecules to discredit that evidence of alternative therapies?
LINUS CARL PAULING was one of the few scientists to be awarded by 2 Nobel laureates for chemistry in 1954 and for Peace in 1962.
Pauling, together with Canadian psychiatrist Abram Hoffer, contributed to the development of unconventional medicine called orthomolecular medicine and he was strong supporter of the use of therapeutic doses of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease, as well as in the prevention and treatment of common cold symptoms. These studies, however, were challenged by the international medical community, who accused him of quackery Pauling (... let us ask why) ... However, just happened today, the first symptoms of colds ALL recourse to the use of massive doses of vitamin C!
And mad with advertising sponsors of products based on Vitamin C in the winter proves this ...
I worked for many years in direct contact with the scientific community and I also participated in medical studies to demonstrate the goodness terapoeutica indication of some drugs, the official science sometimes proves to be deaf and blind and would rather continue to live ' inside of their limited and limiting paradigm in which the system itself determines which rules are appropriate or not to trust the result of research or study.
self and servant of power.
wake up!
learn to develop a conscience critical riappropriamoci of our innate and natural power of knowledge and healing. We learn to go against the system if necessary or at least, to question the foundations of those principles and paradoxes of crystallized and ponds, daughters of the thirst for wealth and power.


2) 20novartis.htm

3) http: / / / translate? hl = en & langpair = en

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Difference Between Rolling Tobacco And Tobacco

Hikers stupid and irreversible damage ...

I propose the partial translation of an article I read tonight.

fear for the nests of birds of prey because of hikers who have not complied with the law

The high price of the descent from the path: walkers che sono entrati nella riserva chiusa ai visitatori e che hanno perso la strada sono stati tratti in salvo da una impresa che ha speso decine di migliaia di shekel per il pagamento della imposta ed è probabile che sia stato messo in pericolo il futuro dei rari rapaci della zona.

Gli avvoltoi avevano appena cominciato a nidificare a Nahal Hever (pochi km a sud di Ein Gedi) ed è già possibile che sia stata loro inflitto un danno irreversibile: tre escursionisti che erano entrati ieri (sabato) nella zona, nonostante l'ingresso sia loro vietato per difendere i nidi dei rari rapaci del luogo, hanno terminato la loro escursione con un salvataggio in elicottero che è costato decine di migliaia di shekel, ed è probabile che abbiano danneggiato i nidi dei rapaci. L'autorità dei parchi ha dichiarato che è stata aperta una inchiesta contro gli escursionisti.

I tre escursionisti avevano pianificato di fare l'escursione a Nahal Hever benché sulla mappa fosse scritto chiaramente che la riserva è chiusa in quel punto. Inoltre gli escursionisti avevano lasciato il sentiero per inoltrarsi verso il dirupo nel quale si trovano i nidi dei rari rapaci.

Gli escursionisti hanno quindi perso la strada verso il tardo pomeriggio e hanno quindi allertato le squadre di soccorso che hanno iniziato dei tentativi per localizzarli. Inspectors of the Society of Nature and Parks have thus reached the area where they were locked. Due to the onset of the dark rescue teams have had to turn on the lamp to locate three hikers who were stranded on the cliffs.

The place has come a helicopter could not land safely and that has led hikers through a cable. The hikers were rescued only at about 22.30 and only after having been interrogated by inspectors of the Society of Nature and Parks have been sent home. Against the three hikers has opened a criminal investigation of character.

at the Parks Authority is said that about two weeks ago had been identified two principles of vultures nest on the cliff that is in reserve, and that it is possible that by then had been made in other nests. In the area there are other rare birds of prey at risk of extinction worldwide. It is feared that rescue operations have frightened the birds, as the helicopter flew near the site some time. In the coming days it will be possible to understand if you have done damage to the nests in the area.

(source:, 7340, L-4031342, 00.html)

For more information on historical and archaeological Nahak Hever click here

What Do The Colored Bands Mean

as beautiful as smelly ...

This could be translated the title of an article that appeared in Ynet on the Wadi Kidron (Nahal Qidron in Hebrew, Arabic Wadi Nar), which is, in fact, a huge open sewer. The Jerusalem Kidron starts and ends at the Dead Sea near an old and now insufficient sewage treatment plant built in 1982. The show for hikers, however, is not the most beautiful. Besides the photos part report even those made during a trip in January 2009.

Lifetime Fitness Negotiate

P. Michele Piccirillo, a Franciscan of the Holy Land and archaeologist

Tuesday, February 22, 2011 Aula S. Francis of the Pontifical University "Antonianum in Rome will host a meeting organized by the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum Jerusalem) on Fr Michele Piccirillo, who died recently.

publication will be presented in memoriam : Michele Piccirillo, a Franciscan archaeologist between science and Providence , edited by Giovanni Claudio Bottini and Massimo Luca. Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano 2010. pp. X-182, illustrations. Powered by Ferrari srl - editorial study, Milan.


P. Michele Piccirillo, a Franciscan of the Holy Land and archaeologist
Modera: Vincenzo Battaglia, Decano della Facoltà di Teologia della PUA

15.30 - Saluto di Johannes Baptist Freyer, Rettore Magnifico PUA
15.45 - Fabrizio Bisconti,
Presentazione del volume : Michele Piccirillo, francescano archeologo tra scienza e Provvidenza, Edizioni Terra Santa, Milano 2010
16.30 - Danilo Mazzoleni,
Il contributo di M. Piccirillo all’archeologia cristiana
17.15 - Carmelo Pappalardo,
Il progetto di M. Piccirillo per il Memoriale di Mosè al Monte Nebo (con proiezioni)
17.45 - G. Claudio Bottini, Decano della Facoltà di Scienze Bibliche e Archeologia,

Alexandra Movie Cf Storie


Oggi tempeste di sabbia throughout the center and south of the country ... In the photo view of Jerusalem!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Long Will Mayo Packet Last

cold deserts ...

And who said that the desert is a hot place ...?
This will be a rare day of rain and cold in Jerusalem to inspire some sailings on the net ...
The first two webcams are betting on two volcanoes, covered with ice and snow, in the Icelandic and Norwegian territory. The third is located presso uno sperduto villaggio in Groenlandia...

Búrfell er um 700 metra hátt fjall rétt ofan við Búrfellsvirkjun í Árnessýslu. Efst á fjallinu hefur fjarskiptafyrirtækið Fjarski aðstöðu en þar fékk RÚV leyfi til come for another camera aimed at the volcano Her which is 12 km. south-east of Burfell. Hekla is almost 1500 m. high and usually erupts at intervals of decades. It is the eruption of Hekla in the near future as the big sister, Katla and Hekla erupted last 26th February 2000. Safety Committee RUV was for mounting the camera on Burfell in collaboration with Civil Defence, LV, distance and utility Reykjavik responsible for Internet connection við vélina. (

Webcam Île de jan Mayen - Europe, Norway, Jan Mayen Jan Mayen

Jan Mayen Island is a volcanic island in the Arctic Ocean, 55 km (34 miles) long (southwest-northeast) and 373 km2 (144 mi2) in area, partly covered by glaciers (an area of 114.2 km2 around the Beerenberg). It has two parts: larger northeast Nord-Jan and smaller Sør-Jan, linked by an isthmus 2.5 km (1.6 mi) wide. It lies 600 km (about 400 mi) northeast of Iceland, 500 km (about 300 mi) east of central Greenland and 1,000 km (about 600 mi) west of the North Cape, Norway. The island is mountainous, the highest summit being the Beerenberg volcano in the north. The isthmus is the location of the two largest lakes of the island, Sørlaguna (South Lagoon), and Nordlaguna (North Lagoon). A third lake is called Ullerenglaguna (Ullereng Lagoon). Jan Mayen was formed by the Jan Mayen hotspot. It is part of the Kingdom of Norway. (Wikipedia)

Ilulissat (or Jakobshavn ) is a village of 4.533 inhabitants Disko Bay in Greenland ; belongs to common of Qaasuitsup , whose name means icebergs in Kalaallisut (Greenlandic language), a name very appropriate, since in this area are immense off iceberg from Glacier Sermeq Kujalleq (or Icecap) wide and 5 km of unknown thickness, the largest glacier the world outside the ' Antarctica .

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kamehasutra Color Online English

Murabba'at Excursion to Wadi (Wadi Darge)

Yesterday we were in Wadi Murabba'at to visit the caves where they were found, many years ago, some letters autograph Bar Kokhba.
For a description of the route and photos click here .

Friday, February 4, 2011

Custom Writing Down Sweatpants

Floods ... in the desert! Video on the Mesha Stele

one week in this part it is raining in Israel, a blessing! Especially since the rain falls flat, slow and thick.
But today is Friday. The Sabbath is upon us, like a queen who comes to take possession of the houses of the Jews.
For the less observant, however, Saturday is the day on which you can make a trip out of town. The Israelis, who are so fond of their deserts, do not let the opportunity pass even this weekend. In fact, the online version of the newspaper Yediot Aharonot ("Latest News") published in "an itinerary for the week" a article on certain wadis that these days are suddenly filling with water. There is every indication, how to get there and enjoy the show from which point in security. I recommend you look at the pictures. In the article there is another link alleging that there was severe flooding in January 2010.
Shabbat shalom!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Projector For Far Distances

Overall, the video is interesting. Warning, after min. 8:40 there is a very bloody picture of an abortion ...

Traduzione della stele in basalto nero di Mesha, re di Moab

Sono Mesha, figlio di Kemoshyat, re di Moab, il Dibonita. Mio padre regnò su Moab per trent'anni e io regnai dopo mio padre. Io feci quest'altura per Kemosh in Qeriho, altura (?) di salvezza, poiché egli mi salva da tutti gli assalti e mi fa trionfare su tutti i miei avversari. Omri era re d'Israele e oppresse Moab per molti giorni poiché Kemosh era in collera contro il suo paese. Gli successe suo figlio che disse: "Opprimerò Moab". Al mio tempo egli aveva parlato così, ma io trionfai su di lui e sulla sua casa. E Israele fu rovinato per sempre. Ora Omri aveva preso possesso di tutto il paese di Madeba e vi aveva abitato durante i suoi giorni e la metà dei giorni dei suoi figli, quarant'anni. Ma, al mio tempo, Kemosh l'ha restituito. E io ho costruito Baal Meon, facendovi il deposito, e ho costruito Qiryaton. La gente di Gad aveva abitato nel paese di Atarot da sempre e il re d'Israele aveva costruito Atarot per sé. Io combattei contro la città e la presi. Uccisi tutto il popolo...; la città fu offerta in sacrificio per Kemosh e per Moab. Di là m'impadronii dell'altare del suo Prediletto (?) e lo trascinai davanti a Kemosh a Qeriyot. Vi feci abitare the people of Sharon and the people of Maharot ...
Chemosh said to me: "Go, take Nebo from Israel: I went at night and fought against it by the breaking of the day until noon. I took it and ammazzai all, seven men with foreign women, foreign and concubines, in fact I had voted for all'anatema Ashtar-Chemosh. Vessels taken from there (?) Of Yahweh, and brought them before Chemosh. The king of Israel had built Yahaz and lives there when I made war, but Chemosh drove him before me. I took from Moab two hundred men, all of its elite, drove them against Yahaz and taken to annex it to Dibon. I was the one to build Qeriho: the wall of the park and the wall of the acropolis. I built its gates, I have built his towers, I have built the house of the king, I made the two water basins in the middle of the city. There was no cistern in the middle of the city Qeriho and I said to all the people, "Build each a cistern in your house: I did dig the graves (?) For Qeriho prisoners from Israel.
Aroer I built and I made my way Arnon. I built Beth Bamoth it had been destroyed. I built Bezer as it was in ruins, with fifty men of Dibon, being all men of Dibon my subjects. I ruled with heads of hundreds in the city had annexed the country. I have built ... Madeba, Beth and Beth-Baal-Diblathon Maon and I have established i. .. small livestock in the country. And Horonan where he lived ... Kamosh And I said, "Go down and fight Horonan" I came down ... Chemosh and gave it back during my days ...

The Moabite inscription gives us the version of the fighting described in the Hebrew version in 2 Kings 3, 6-27.


Monday, January 31, 2011

The Tip Of My Tongue Is Red What Shoul


"they live ( the Nabataeans ) in the open, calling home a barren desert inhabitants, which has neither the river, or fountains, in order to benefit a foreign army. [...] All are very freedom-loving, and when no large enemy army approaches the country they fled deep into the desert, serving it to them as fortitude: For he to the lack of water prevents completely different access and passage, and to them only serves as a refuge, sannosi as do some wells to procure. And here in this proceeding. As the clay soil, and having a very soft stone, they will dig large pits with some narrow and wide mouths fund [...]. After then, those who were Let them be filled with rainwater, or close the mouth and appianatavi above the earth, you leave a signal that they know about but not by conoscerebbesi No more other "(Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library , Volume sixth)